Ramshackle x Oc

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Hello! Soo this is my first time writing. Sorry if it's cringe

This timeline is after the pageant

I was in my room. Crying.. After my mother was yelling at me, i grabbed my schoolbag and emptied it, I put some useful stuff, I grabbed a rope that I borrowed from my cousin, I tied the rope to my bed, I climbed down while holding onto the rope. I finally ran away.. I climbed out the gate and left.

??? POV:
It was raining heavily at night, me and ???, ??? we're eating beans together. We stopped eating when we heard a sobbing noise..?
???: Do you guys hear something..?"
???: It sounds like someone's crying.."
The sobbing noise came inside a dumpster.
??? Grabbed his coat and put it over his head, he went outside the tent to see what it was,
And he found.. A child? ??? looked shocked that a child was crying.
??? ran out the tent and covered his head using his hands to see, and he also looked shocked..


I was crying in a dumpster and saw 2 guys looking me concerned, they looked like monsters since I was paranoid.. So I screamed..
The guys covered they're ears, until one said something "Please stop shouting!! We don't mean any harm." He sounded calm, so I stopped.
I climbed out the dumpster, I had a hello kitty hoodie on and a dark ashy blue skirt with lollipop patterns (this is based what I'm wearing rn) I put my hood on and looked at them, they weren't so scary as I think..

??? POV:
The kid looked calm enough, so I decided to try and befriend her.
???: Hey! Uhm.. What's your name?.. I'm Skipp. Are you hobo like us?..
???: Skipp.. Isn't it obvious?. I looked at Skipp, he's dumb as fuck.

The guy seemed nice enough to be friends with.
Aovara: Uhm.. I'm Aovara. And no.. I'm not a hobo.
The 2 guys looked suprised
Aovara: I.. Ran away from home.. Soo, that would mean that, I.. Am a runaway kid.
The guy looked confused, it was like he didn't understand..
Aovara:... A runaway kid is when they used to have home. A homeless person is when they never had a home.
???: Well atleast someone is smart. My name is Stone. The one in the tent is Vinnie.
I looked at Vinnie, she was kind of.. Pretty.. (my Oc is 15 yrs old) Wait.. What am I thinking?! I don't even like girls at all!!
But.. She is kind.. Of.. Pretty.

I saw the kid, I think she was.. I don't know, 15 yrs old?.. She seems nice.

TO BE CONTINUED?????????????

Hello! Sorry if it's short, my fingers hurt rnn!!

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