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Hello, I'm really bored so I'm gonna write everything about Aovara

1. She is based on a beetle and it's her nickname
2. She really doesn't like chocolate flavored milkshakes.
3. She likes animation gore (like pretty blood)
4. She used to have a pet beetle but she burned it alive bc she thought he was dead
5. She is based on a real person. Me.
6. She has a phobia of mirrors
7. She is schizophrenic
8. She has ADHD
9. She got sent to a mental hospital.. Twice.
10. Her favorite hobby is to draw
11. This part isn't about her now, ima show you something

Irl Stone?? Also hes my classmate hopefully he doesn't have wattpad

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Irl Stone?? Also hes my classmate hopefully he doesn't have wattpad

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