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It has been a few days and I am walking home with a uniform on. Why? Because my mom called the cops and told them to search for me.. And. They found me.

It is 4:34 Pm and I am walking home, the trio spots me and asks,
Skipp: Hey Aovara! Where have you been?.. We really missed you..
Aovara: Hey and uhm.. Sorry. Well, apparently my mom called the cops and told them to search for me. And the cops.. Well they found me.
Vinnie: Well are you still going to hang out with us?
Aovara: Of course! I'm planning to run away again.
Stone: Wait.. Why are you wearing.. That?..
Aovara: Oh yeah. I just finished school. It's tiring..
I walked to the trio,
Skipp: Well I guess someone needs a hug..?
Aovara: I really do.
Skipp pushed Vinnie and Vinnie landed towards me, (AGAHAGAHgah) Vinnie wrapped her hands on my back.
Skipp: Heheh..
Aovara: Oh yeah. I have to go now.. I'll come back after i change my clothes.


I arrived back home and I changed into a pink shirt and a white skirt (This is also based on what I'm wearing) I head back outside and went to the alleyway where the trio was.
Stone: You look like a unicorn shat on you.
He took out a cigarette and light it up.
Aovara: Emo bitch.
Stone: ... IM NOT. EMO
Vinnie: Your definitely emo.
I fist bump Vinnie. Stone was looking at us with an annoyed expression, Vinnie was making a haha expression, while I was making a "Huh?" Expression.
Skipp: Anyways, we can help you run away again!
Aovara: You will?
Skipp: Yeah! Stone will lockpick the gate, I'll get you the rope, and Vinnie will catch you!
Aovara: Wait Wha-
Vinnie was blushing while she was confused yayayaya

To be continued

Hello Laneah here, I didn't really change the name since it could probably confuse people. But ye, also sorry if it's short (like your dad's di-)

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