Irdk what to put in here

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The next day, the three of them woke up (Skipp, Vinnie, and Stone), except for Aovara.


Aovara woke up, and realized something was off..
Stone: Didn't you run away?
Aovara: Oh yeah
Aovara went out the tent and went towards Vinnie, Aovara's vision.. Was probably blurry.
Stone: Is.. She okay..?
Skipp went to Aovara and put a hand on her forehead,
Skipp: Oh no! She's got a fever..
Aovara: Is it normal to feel like you explode right now.?
Vinnie: ... No Aovara..
Aovara: What does it feel like when you get decapitated..?
Stone: ... What..?
Aovara hugged Vinnie and she fell asleep again.
Skipp went to the dumpster to find a cloth and soaked it in cold water, he put the cloth on my forehead
Skipp: We'll be back.. Alright?
Aovara nodded


Skipp, Stone, and Vinnie came back and saw Aovara drawing on her sketchbook.
Skipp: Aovara, you draw?? That's awesome!
Vinnie: Is it okay if we look?
Aovara: Uhh... It's full of gore. (This is based on my interest, and I only like animation gore)
Stone: ... Same high five
Aovara and Stone high fived, and guess what? Aovara's fever is gone!!
Skipp: Oh wow, your fever is gone!
Aovara: Awh ma- Yehey!
Vinnie: Do you like having a fever?
Aovara shrugs.

Sorry if it's short, I just woke up!

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