Chapter 59 - The Storm arrived...

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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: Late-September 1089

Location: Kazdel

POV: Meteorite

'There are still more coming from the south!?' Biting back my curse, I reloaded my grenade launcher and fired up another colored flare. It is quite convenient that the primary cargo had gone through the encirclement, so we can all focus on all these people swarming our position.

[Meteorite, come in!]

"Send it."

[We need support, reference at blue smoke at bearing 2-4-7, how copy over?!] Using my binoculars, I spotted the blue smoke and even people hiding behind rubbles while shooting back. Some hostiles managed to reach them but got eliminated by CQC specialists or other mercenaries.

"Copy, reference blue smoke, stand by for support."

[Appreciate it!] Ranging my grenade launcher, I aimed up and let gravity do the rest of my work. Using my binoculars again, I confirm the effect on the target while also receiving confirmation through comms.

[Right on target, thanks for the assist.] Shouts of joy could also be heard in the background. Hell, some even waved at me for that. Bewildered looks between the Sarkaz around them tug a little grin on my lips. I had been working with Cordelia for a while, sure, but they definitely know how to appreciate help... Are they that scared of Nyx or something? Eh...

"Heh, sure thing." I should be up north, but got pulled back on the ground that managing comms is harder than expected with sporadic infiltration being made. There were instances when our enemies slipped past, or deliberately ignored our perimeters. I was forced to guard the makeshift camp below me, the CO rated my performance to be worth several badly needed manpower. So here I am...

[This is Hoederer of the Eastern defense line, we got several more cannons!] As on cue, multiple explosions could be heard coming from the eastern defensive line. I couldn't do anything but watch as screams and groans filled up the air.

[We got more wounded coming from the northern line, make way!] Casting my eyes towards the north, I see Sarkaz mercenaries and PMCs hauling wounded using stretchers back towards our barricaded first-aid station. They just left them close to the entrance before immediately running back to their post while the medic, deathly tired, staggered but resolutely took the wounded inside relative safety.

[All units try to conserve your strength and do not, I repeat, DO NOT try to play heroes. If you go any further than 100 meters away, we will not bother covering for you. Break. Eastern unit gives me sitrep over.] I forgot the CO's name because everyone never bothered to say it. It is a good thing that he could command without sounding panicked.

[Eastern unit is managing to hold. We are in bad need of resupplies though an- shit, get down!] Statics and rustlings could be heard from their comms. Hoederer then continues.

[Sorry, those cannons are making it harder for us. Just keep the ammo going and we'll hold.]

[Copy that. You're not too bad as a merc, whaddaya say working for Cordelia?]

[Nah, I don't talk contracts on the job.] The man sounds calm amidst explosions and screams on the battlefield.

[Affirm. North, how is your status over?] They made their reports and I was quite relieved to hear them to be holding strong. I know that they

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