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[Name]'s POV:

As I stare at the blank wall, I keep thinking 'what my life would be in china'.

is it gonna be Good or Bad.

Just I was so lost in my thoughts, my mom's voice broke the silence, calling me urgently "[name], Anak, we need to go. We can't afford to miss our flight." I took one last look around my room, Absorbing Every detail before turning away.

As I was exiting my room with my belongings in my hand, I feel so sad that I was gonna leave Detroit, My friends, my childhood home.

While my Mom patiently waits for me
She greeted aunt Sherry and My bestfriend Dre.

I got down and greeted them as i sigh, my mom asked me "what's wrong [name]?"

"It's just... so sad leaving Detroit after living here for 14 years." I said. They looked at me sadly As the words came out of my mouth.

"I know [name] it's sad but we have no choice" aunt sherry told me.

Time skip...

Settling into our seat in the boarding plane, My Mom found solace in a magazine, engrossed in it's contents.
The title Boldly Proclaimed "The History of China" causing to roll my eyes playfully.

I glanced at the person seated beside me, noticing their Restlessness and eagerness to strike up a conversation.

"Mom, Look! in china everything is old, there are old houses, old parks, old people...and this Guy here must be atleast 400 years old!!" He Exclaimed, thrusting The magazine toward aunt Sherry.

We shared a lighthearted moment, momentarily Forgetting the nervousness and sadness that moment.

I noticed Dre Attempting to have a conversation to the guy Infront of him In Chinese, I chuckled as he struggle.

"Dude, im from Detroit to." The guy responded, surprisingly Dre and Me, I coughed discreetly, attempting to stifle my laughter at the Amusing Exchange.

"As if you can speak Chinese" Dre snarked, his skepticism evident. I smoked mischievously, eager to tease him back.

"Well, I can speak Tagalog and Chinese too". I boasted, raising an eyebrow teasingly.

"[Name], when did you learn Chinese?!?!" Dre said.

"boy, I took Chinese lesson back in Detroit." I said almost laughing.

"oh, I didn't know that" He said, as i giggle

Time skip...

After a long journey, we finally arrived in china, and couldn't help but feel a wave of dizziness wash over me as I stepped out of the plane.

Rubbing the back of my neck to ease the discomfort, I accidentally collide with dre, who had been slightly distracted.

We exchange sheepish glance, slightly acknowledging the clumsiness of our arrival.

Following Aunt Sherry's instructions, we made our way to the designated meeting point. As we waited, we saw a woman carrying a white board calling us, Mom corrected the misspelled last name.

the woman apologize Profusely, Leading us to the white van, whuck would transport us to our new apartment.

During the ride, I found myself captivated by the towering buildings and vibrant parks that lined the streets of China.

"See, Dre there's nothing old in china," aunt sherry Exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement.**

I couldn't help but smile to myself , realizing our conversation about oldness was afar from accurate.

China was beautiful blen with tradition and progress, where acient heritage seamlessly intertwined with contemporary marvels.

As the van continue it's journey, i really absorbed every detail, mentally bookmarking the places I wanted to explore further, later or Soon.

While dre remained silent, I could tell from his expression that
He was too appreciating the unique charm of the new surroundings.

As we neared our apartment, a mix of nerves and exhilaration washed over me. We were about to embark on a new chapter of our lives in a foreign land, filled with unfamiliar customs and endless possibilities.

But with Aunt Sherry by our side, her infectious enthusiasm and unwavering support provided a comforting anchor amidst the sea of unknowns.

As the van came to a stop, I noticed a flurry of activity on the other side of the street, where a vibrant park attracted people of all ages.

The sight was a stark contrast to the bustling cityscape we had just traversed. Taking in the scene, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of exploring the park and immersing myself in the local culture.

"Are you okay, [Name]?" Aunt Sherry inquired with concern evident in her voice.

I nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "Yes, Aunt, it's just a cramp from sitting for a long time," I explained. Appreciating her thoughtfulness, she extended a helping hand, assisting me in getting out of the van.

As I stood and stare at the building, my gaze fixed on the exterior, a pang of home sickness tugged at my heart.
The grandeur of Beverly hills luxury apartment, reminded me of the comfort and familiarity of what I left behind.

However I quickly shook it off the longing, reminding myself that this journey was chance for growth, exploration, and exiting experience.

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Ahhh! First chapter is finished, hope y'all liked it🥹🤍

850 words

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