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Words: 1104

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

As the school bell rang,[name] and Dre exchanged papers.

"Man this schedule sucks, we don't even class together except for lunch!" Dre groaned, passing his bestfriend's schedule paper, vice versa. The two didn't have the same classes because [Name] covered a lot subjects and had higher grades than Dre.

"It's okay. I guess, I'll meet you at lunch?" [Name] asked, the boy nodded. Mrs. Po smiled at the two before guiding them to their assigned classrooms.

The two waited outside, the halls were quiet except for teachers talking. "Ms. L/n, this will be your assigned classroom." Mrs. Po said. Gently pushing her inside, separating the two.

"Bye Dre, I love you!" [Name] jokingly teased, Dre rolled his eyes before waving. "Okay." [Name] pouted and glared, she wanted to have fun with her brother, wanting to see him annoyed or slightly embarrassed.

"I said, I love you." [Name] quoted, little did she know that a certain someone was watching her, understanding her words, despise maybe?

"You're staring to sound like-." Before Dre could joke, someone cut him off.
"Ms. L/n." The homeroom teacher called, "Okay, Okay. I love you too." This time, Dre's words weren't through gritted teeth but through a genuine chuckle. [Name] nodded in satisfaction before waving goodbye, walking into the room.


"Everyone, [Name] is a new foreign exchange student. She will be your new classmate, be nice." The teacher introduced, [Name] smiled at the teacher before the woman mentioned her to say something. [Name] fiddled with her fingers, slightly nervous that all eyes were on hers.

"Hello, my name is [Name] L/n, and I'm new to China. I hope we can become friends. I can actually speak Chinese, and Tagalog," I introduced myself, feeling a twinge of self-consciousness.

One of the students piped up, asking, "Can you speak a little bit of each language?" I responded with a smile, eager to showcase my language skills.

"你好吗, 你真漂亮( hǎo ma, zhēn piàoliang)" I said in Chinese, meaning
'how are you, you're so pretty'

"Kamusta, na'paka Ganda mo" Which means 'how are you, you're so pretty' in Tagalog.

My classmates applauded, and I couldn't help but blush at the unexpected praise. However, my gaze was drawn to a person in the room who was glaring at me. To my surprise, it was none other than Dre's bully from the previous day, who happened to be in the same class.

Mrs. Li, unaware of the tension, commended me, saying, "That's fantastic, Ms. L/n. You can take the seat next to Mr. Cheng." I looked at the empty seat beside the jerk who had caused trouble for Dre.

I shot him a look of disgust, and he responded with a sly grin as he sauntered over to occupy the seat next to him. "What a small world," he smirked. I couldn't resist retorting, "Well, the world is a big idiot," while fixing him with a glare.

As the clock struck 8:00 a.m., frustration welled up within me due to this infuriating situation. I couldn't help but think, "Do you really think I'll let slide what you did to me yesterday, you feisty jerk?" My anger grew when he audaciously pulled a strand of my hair, causing me to hiss in pain.

Reacting instinctively, I nudged his ribs, only to have him retaliate by kicking the area where I was previously injured. "What the fuck, dude? Are you a psychopath?" I hissed through clenched teeth, trying to contain the pain.


Lunch came, Other students started to walk out of class and that includes Cheng and his friends. The girl grabbed her things before placing it inside her bag. The girl wasn't really hungry, she was afraid that Cheng would find Dre and pick on him. Though, she remembered that fighting in school wasn't allowed so Cheng probably had to be careful when picking fights in school.

[Name] walked out of the classroom, looking around to find the way to the cafeteria. "Hey." Cheng said, appearing behind [Name]. At that moment, the girl didn't have to worry about Dre being picked on.

"Stop it, Cheng." [Name] ordered, stomping her foot in aggravation. "Or what? You're gonna pick a fight with me?" Cheng asked, inching his face closer to the slightly, shorter girl.

"It's my first day. I give no shits about when or where the fights gonna take place just let me eat food first." [Name] glared daggers at Cheng, The boy backed up and stared at [Name], surprised.

Cheng's friends decided to circle around [Name], laughing and poking her shoulders. "Stop." Cheng told them, their eyes never leaving each other. "You better keep him away from Meiying, weirdo." [Name] just rolled her eyes.

The boys laughed at the girl's reaction, she stayed silent and quietly turned around to the cafeteria. Cheng watched her silhouette fade away from a distance, he must admit, there was something about her that made him feel vulnerable that he already was.

"We should stop picking on a girl, The boy flirting with Meiying's probably her boyfriend." Zhuang suggested, the three walking towards the cafeteria.

"Yeah, We just gotta tell Meiying that [Name]'s boyfriend is hitting on her and then Boom!" Liang said, opening his hands as an explosion motion.

"Problem solved," Liang added, nudging Cheng on the shoulder. "Knowing Meiying, she's probably too kind to steal someone's boyfriend so she'll stop talking with Dre er...whatever his name was, and you'll get to date Meiying." Zhuang nodded before looking at Cheng for approval. "Boyfriend?" Cheng spat out, furrowing his brows in anger. "Wow, that's your problem after all the calculations we've gone through-" Before the older boy could continued, The younger boy, Zhuang, jumped and nodded.

"Yeah, you heard them earlier." Liang nodded, "I love you, [name]." Zhuang laughed, the pitch of his voice was high, mocking [Name] before jokingly hugging Liang, "I love you too." Liang did the same, hugging Zhuang back.

"That's stupid." Both boys gasped and stared at Cheng, "You're jealous!" Zhuang and Liang shouted simultaneously, "What?! Why would I?" Cheng stopped from his tracks to shouted back, slapping the back of his friends' heads.

"Get this, [Name] didn't give two shits about Cheng beating her up." Liang nodded, curious to know Zhuang's theory.

"Okay, yes. Continue." Liang said, the two acting like Cheng wasn't with them and was ignoring Cheng while they walk. "[Name]'s probably that girl who's independent on her own, That probably turned Cheng on!" Zhuang laughed, clapping hands with Liang as they left Cheng behind, Teasing him.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

What I mean on 'turned Cheng on' is Cheng's starting to like [name] Not like the sexual ver.

Vote and comment what y'all think!🤍

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