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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

[Name]'s POV

Okay, second day in China, A school day.

I woke up at 6:30, I took a quick shower, I sneaked some of my makeup in aunt sherry's apartment for Dre, because his dumbass got into a fight yesterday.

"That looks pretty bad" Dre sighed and nodded, looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, while I locked the door behind me Incase aunt sherry barges in.

"Yeah" Dre agreed, grabbing the concealer in my hand "it doesn't have to be perfect, just enough to convince mom."

Dre added a small amount of concealer in his pinky before putting it on his eye,
I grabbed a makeup brush and added a darker shade of eyeshadow that looks like Dre's skin tone I gently applied it on Dre's under-eye and his eyebrow.

After few minutes of trying to cover Dre's black eye we managed to get it done, it's not perfect but it looks convincing for us.

"[Name]?" Dre called "Hmm?" [Name] hummed, Turning her head to face dre,
"What did you do back in the park?" Dre gave a small smile before fidgeting with the back of his cap, "Thanks." [Name] shook her head and walked closer to Dre, giving him a big hug. "You don't have to push me away you know, I can defend the both of us." Nodding, Dre gently pulled away to face [name].

"Oh, since when did you learn to do that cool stuff?" Dre asked.

"Oh, my uncle thought me that back in the Philippines y'know, for safety/defense " I replied.

"I didn't know that until know." Dre gave a small laugh towards [name]'s choice of words before Sherry called out to them, "Come on, before she suspects her makeup's gone." [Name] smiled, opening the bathroom door to get ready herself.

"Kids? You ready?" Shouted Sherry.

"We gotta be there in like twenty minutes!" [Name] looked around the living room to see Sherry by the kitchen table, in an instant, she sneaked towards her bag and placed the makeups inside. "We know, Mom!" Dre replied from the bathroom, "You two got your uniforms on, right?"

"Yes, Aunt Sherry." [Name] smiled, slipping right through the door to meet Sherry. "Good, Don't wanna break any rules on the first day." She smiled, walking over towards the girl and patted her shoulders to get rid of the fold from her uniform. The looked up to face Sherry with an unsure look on her face, "You sure we need to be in our uniforms? I don't think-" Sherry shushed [Name], "Ah- Ah, No. We're gonna keep these uniforms on just in case." [Name] pursed her lips and lets out a sigh, "Okay, Come on Dre! We're waiting for you." Sherry grabbed her laptop before walking away to prepare herself.

Time skip...

The walk to school isn't bad, aunt sherry doesn't suspect a thing about Dre having a Black Eye, aunt sherry was too busy asking me & Dre to double check our school supplies.

"Y'know, you don't have to come with us inside, me and [name] can handle it...", "yeah aunt sherry haha".

"Kids, don't be silly, it's your first day!, plus we still have to meet the assistant principal, Mrs. Po" aunt sherry added, putting things in her bag.

"Me and [name] can find her, plus you need to get to work, right?.." Dre said to aunt sherry, "boy, are you trying to get rid of me??" .

"No ma." Dre Disagree.

I looked up to see I woman wearing white outfit, looking at the black binder folder, "Mrs. Po?" Sherry asked, the woman looked up and gave her a smile, "oh, miss Parker we've been waiting."

Dre looked around, curious
Too see what Chinese school looks like, that was until he saw a familiar face.

was it MeiYing?, he hoped but it was the boy he fought yesterday.

"This is my friend's daughter, [name] L/n" I smiled and waved to Mrs. Po "Hello" she spoke "hi" Mrs po replied.

"And My son, Dre." Dre quickly looked away from the bully to smile at the assistant principal, "Hi."

"We only wear uniforms on uniform day." Mrs. Po sheepishly reminded, i sighed and looked down at my clothes "Told ya." Sherry nodded, understanding how this 'uniform day' exists. "That's my fault. I didn't have a chance to read the school packet you sent me." While Sherry was explaining why the two was wearing uniforms, i decided to look around.

My eyes wandered from the school logo, to the bully. My eyes widen at the sight of the bully

talking with his friends, slightly slapping or kicking here and there as they laugh.

"Dito din Sila nag aaral huh" I said to myself.

i turned around to meet gaze with Dre. The two frowned, knowing what the other saw. "And hats are not permitted." In an instant, Dre and ame looked at each other with widened eyes.

Dre quickly placed his hand on his cap, in case Sherry takes it off of him. "Uh, Yeah- I should've read up on the dress code." Sherry grabbed Dre's cap before placing it under her arm, Dre looked away to hide the poor makeup he and his bestfriend did on his eye.

"Dre, is that makeup?" Aunt Sherry asked, grabbing Dre's face to wipe off the makeup, Aunt Sherry gasped as she saw the bruise on his eye " Dre, who did that to you?!?!".

I quickly walked Infront of Dre, "Ma, calm down I just ran into a pole, okay?" Dre argue, "[name], did he got into a fight?" Aunt Sherry asked me.

"No ma'am, he was just playing basketball, and-"

"He ran into a pole" the woman in white interrupted, "fighting's not tolerated here." Aunt Sherry grab Dre's arm and said "you heard them, He ran into a pole" aunt sherry excuse.

"Ma, don't start" Dre Said, as I just stood there looking at them argue.

"Who did it?" Sherry asked Dre, "nobody, ma, as I said I ran into a pole yeah, and i didn't tell you because I know you're gonna act like this.." Dre responded for a moment. It was a good excuse, minus the pole part, but for [Name] -Mainly Dre- it was decent.

"Dre, You know I don't play that. Somebody hit my baby, I will tear through-" Dre cut Sherry in her mid-sentence, "I know, Mom. That's why I don't tell you stuff." Dre scolded, having enough of his mother's protective demeanor, though i cannot blame Sherry.

"Just relax. I just ran into a pole." Sherry stared at Dre worriedly, "Yeah, Yeah. You ran into a pole." Sherry was not convinced, the two went silent.

"Aunt Sherry? Dre? Class is about to start." I called, trying to help both of them out of their awkward silence.

"Alright, Dre. Alright, Alright." Sherry pondered, "Look, go to class."

"Go to class, but we will talk about this later. Okay?"

"Okay." Dre nodded, walking towards his sister. "Alright, go." As both teens walked to follow Mrs. Po, Sherry made them stop.

"I love you."

Dre quickly turned around, clearly embarrassed. I on the other hand was happy to have verbal affection, "Mom!" Dre's voice cracked making i chuckle only for Dre to nudge her.

"I said, I love you." Sherry repeated, "Okay, We love you ma!"

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆



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