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____They Walk in Jaden Hides Behind Him like a Punk

Teo - Heyyy IRISSSS *Pushes Jaden In Front

Jaden - Give Him a What was That for Look And Looks At iris all wide Eye 😳

Iris - It's Ok Jaden I'm Perfectly Fine Stop Being a Wimp and Hug Me You Fool

Jaden - Really Goes Up to hug her As requested Too

Iris - Thank god I am alive 😃

Jaden - Huh ?

Iris - I thought I was dead and I thought i was imaging You guys here ??? ....... 😊

The Boys - Wow ???

They All Just Start Laughing

____ Doctor Walks in the room got Quite

Doctor - Don't mind me

Iris - Hey doc

Doctor - Hello iris

Iris - So am I free to leave ?

Doctor - Yes Let me just get your medication In case of any throbbing of your Wrist

Iris - K Wait How long will I be on this Cast ??

Doctor - 3-4 Days it should be held but if not that means You Broke it and .... So It doesn't Break more I request You Stay off your board and Off of your wrist so it can heal Quicker __ Walks out

Iris - UGHH

Jaden - Well before You Fell The Trick Was Dope

Moises - Yea

Mateo- True

Iris - Thanks Guys ☺

The boys - No problem

Innocent  (Jaden Smith)Where stories live. Discover now