Karasuno High School's Volleyball Club

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You wore a blank face as you tried to follow the instructions given to you earlier that day by your homeroom teacher. You had to inform Takeda Ittetsu, the new advisor for the Karasuno Volleyball Club, of your plans to delay joining the team along with your medical history.

You grumble as you pass the art room for the third time. Your grip on your application tightening, crumbling the paper slightly, in irritation. You were about ready to give up when you saw two tall students walk out of a room. You looked up at the room identification and sure enough it was the faculty room.

"Stupid, freaking, stupid school layout." You passed by the two on your way inside, hearing their snickering as you did. Taking a breath, you straightened up as you looked for the bespectacled, brown-haired teacher. You let out a sigh of relief when you say Takeda sitting at his desk. "Takeda~sensei?"

"Yes? Oh! Hayashi~san. I was wondering where you were. Do you have all your information?" You nod and hand over the application, physical, and permission slip to the teacher. Takeda looked over the sheets before smiling. "I'll give your application to the manager and tell her about the delay. She will tell the captain and other current members about you. I'm sure they will be happy you want to join."

"Is that all you need from me, Sensei?" Takeda nodded. You bow and thank him before going to class. On the way, you try to ignore the whispering as you pass by your schoolmates. A conventionally pretty boy with longer hair is bound to get attention from the female population. Unfortunately, not even headphones could distract from the attention.

A tap on his shoulder startled you. You slide your headphones off to look at the disturbance. A boy with dark brown hair, slightly down-turned eyes, and a kind smile stared at you with worry. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just I don't do too well with attention... especially from girls..." The boy agreed, rubbing his neck. "I know how you feel. I don't get attention a lot but when I do it makes me a little uncomfortable. I'm sure after today it'll die down. My name is Ennoshita Chikara." He held out a hand to the boy, which he took gently. "Hayashi [Reader]." You glanced over Ennoshita's shoulder, "You gonna introduce me before he combusts?"

"Oh!" Ennoshita looked to his friend. He motioned to the boy with a shaved head and wide brown eyes who was vibrating in his chair. "This is Kazuhito Narita." Kazuhito waved with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you Kazuhito, Ennoshita. Take care of me, okay?" The boys nodded with thumbs ups. Karasuno was a good choice.


You had a reason for delaying your joining the team, you knew absolutely nothing about your future teammates. With Aoba Johsai, almost everyone came from Kitagawa Daiichi so you knew the other students from the three years spent at Kita.

With Karasuno, everyone was new. You were a fish out of water. You slinked around to the stairs to the second floor balcony. It would be the perfect vantage point to watch the other players talk and play. Only one person was in the gym at the moment. A boy with straight black hair that framed his face. You immediately recognised him and was surprised that Kageyama, of all people, would choose Karasuno.

The temptation to speak to him was so strong but you knew that the blunt boy wouldn't recognise him. You had cut your hair and grew several centimetres. Your hair had also darkened to match better with your brother and father's hair. No way would Kageyama "One track mind" Tobio recognise you.

Kageyama had gotten better since junior high. His serves were definitely more powerful than his junior high days. You were able to pick up on Kageyama's form as it was strikingly familiar to a certain high school heart throb that was one year older than him that attended Aoba Johsai.

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