Chapter 9- British Exchange Student

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"And the top of the morning to you too, govna!"

You watch, in utter shock, as Mr. Henthorne introduces 'the new exchange student from England, Arthur Kirkland," and Arthur responds with such a phrase. The class of American teenagers explodes into laughter.

"Jolly good sir!" A tall-looking boy, Reese, calls out jokingly. "You fit the stereotype to a tee! Why, you--" A thermo-freezifying glare from Mr. Henthorne cuts him off.

"Now lad, there's a desk next to miss (Name), if you don't mind..."

Arthur sits down next to you. "And how exactly are you here?!" you nearly hiss, still in shock.

"Charlie," Arthur answers. Always that one word. "He set something up, forged a few birth certificates..."


"Yeah. He's more clever than you think, that chap-- and he had Maurs to help him, of course. Okay (Name), now Maurs--" Arthur clears his throat. "--Maurs is a bloody genius."

"I'm guessing your first night went well then?" you suggest optimistically.

"Yes, sure, but it's not that! I mean-- that little punk is literally four-foot-nine feet of cerebral matter! he exclaims.

"You said 'literally'," you comment again.

"What of it? Besides--"

"Oi, miss chatterbox! Careful with the newbie over there, or I'll have to separate you two." You flush a terrible shade of red as the teacher corrects you with a smile, but it's mostly the catcalls of 'Hitting it up with the exchange student, yeah!' and 'Who's up for some British cooties, yeah--!' that do the trick.

"You've got to help me with this whole student-business, (Name)," Arthur begs. "I'm too old for it and this country is just all wrong."




12+3= 𝓯𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

2a+3(a-1)=12 (What? What are they even asking me to do?! Since when are there letters in arithmetic??)



The prokaryote is a small bacterium that lives inside your intestinal tract. A bacterium is a unicellular organism that is able to produce and excrete its own food... Apparently, there are over 1 trillion of these in a human body-- (Bloody hell, what?? The wankers are everywhere!!! I didn't need to know thi--*ITCH ITCH*)


And so, wherefore, the characters in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet are essentially two youths deprived of all sense and conscience in their young age... people at sixteen should surely be more responsible than this-- starting families-- not drinking poison due to bloody miscommunication--


yo hablo

tu hables

nosotros hablamos

(Oh bugger why do we even have to learn Spanish? We'll conquer all of them soon anyway!!)


"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of Americ-- cannot *sput-sput wheeeeeze melodramatic KOFFFff*

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