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Boots hit the rainy road continuously, splashing muddy water up against the foot of the girl that jogged down the path, every time she mistakenly stepped off the old broken road into the mud that corners the sides.

She held the hat on her head tightly as well as holding the dress she wore so it wouldn't be decorated with mud as her feet already were.

Scard, that's how she felt as she headed further down the path heading to the schedule area they usually meet at.

Her heart was pounding just as much as her feet hit the ground.

Soon her running came to a stop. She looked around, looking for his familiar face.

He didn't come?, she thought but soon the reality was revealed; he walked out of some nearby bushes and hugged her tightly in his arms. She smiled but quickly pushed him away.

He reached for her again but she placed an arm between them and flashed him pleading eyes. He noticed the smile dropping from his face as he questioned, "what's wrong?"

She took a moment to process the news, the news that had her shaking minutes before she had told him to meet her.

"I'm pregnant", she dropped the bomb.

His eyes shifted to where her dainty fingers rested, directly above her stomach. In that moment he didn't know what to think. He was only seventeen, he had so much ahead of him what would he do with a child on the way?

The only question he could ask was, "are you keeping it?", the question was rewarded with a slap, a slap that left him facing the nearby pond.

"I'm sorry" he apologies, taking a step forward he wrapped the now crying girl in his arms and rested his chin on her head, trying to console her. "I'm sorry I asked that," he apologizes once again.

Her crying subsided and she took the chance to look up at him and question, "what should i do?", she too didn't know what to do with a child for she was only sixteen, also a young age.

"Talk to our parents?" he suggested but it sounded more like a question.

"Okay", she said and they made a pact to do just that and return the following day to talk again.

Back home she found it hard to bring up the topic to her barely getting by single mother so she decided not to and would just see him the following day and make up something.

The following day at their meeting spot he wasn't there, she waited until almost dark but he never showed. This continued for two weeks until one day when she returned from waiting for him she found her mother waiting for her at the door behind her were three bags that looked as though the person that packed them didn't have a care in the world.

Immediately she knew what had happened, breaking down in tears she tried to explain but her mother wasn't having any of it.

"You want to be a slut? GET OUT go be a slut on the streets, not in this fucking house!! You bring shame to this already shameful family" her mother's words were seething hurting her daughter instantly.

"I'm sorry mom, please don't kick me out" she begged, hugging her tummy and crying.

"You know to go allow man to fuck you and now you want to beg me to stay here? You should've begged him to not cum in you" her mothers words were blunt, not a single care of how she spoke to her child.

Ten minutes later the door was slammed in her face, leaving her crying on the doorstep with the bags just sitting there. Three hours passed and the door was still locked.

Another two passed until she decided to do something that would either cause her more insults or save her.

Luck wasn't on her side.

As soon as the door swung open and the woman on the other side saw who it was she immediately started raining insults on her. "It's the slut that tried to trap my son" the woman said in a rather disrespectful tone.

More tears poured from her eyes as she instantly turned away knowing that now it was only her and the baby in her tummy, the baby she wasn't sure what to do with.

Should she keep it, abort it or give it up for adoption.


The remaining chapters are not written in third person view

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