Chaotic Calamities

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Dude was annoyed. Not only had Misty woken him up super early to complain that she couldn't find her bag containing her plastic spider toys (something he was secretly sort of glad about), but now he had come to the discovery that one of his favourite items was now missing aswell. As he stared glumly at the currently empty spot where he'd last placed his basketball, he tried to figure out who may of stolen it. His main suspicion was Misty, due to the fact that she had come into his room earlier that morning and could've easily swiped it whilst he was still half asleep. However, he tried to reason with himself that not every problem was caused by her, just most of them. Dude finally shrugged, telling himself that he'd question her about it at breakfast, even though she'd probably not be in the greatest of moods due to her supposed lack of sleep taken by her searching for her fake arachnids in the middle of the night for whatever reason but he wanted to practice his hoop shooting after the first show so he decided it was compulsory.

After he'd left his room, he began setting out the plates, bowls and cutlery for the rest of the gang for when they woke up, said hello to Rainbow and fed him, and put some bread in the toaster for himself. It was not long since he'd sat down to enjoy his meal that his first human friend made an appearance. Mimi's sudden entrance made both Dude and Rainbow jump due to the loudness of her rapidly opening her door and rushing out of her room, appearing to be searching for something. Dude noted her hair to be damp and a towel to be draped over her shoulders before he said his morning greetings.

"Mornin' Mimi. What are you looking for?" Dude questioned, confused, as she continued to act like a whirlwind as she swept around the room, earning a slightly scared glance from Rainbow as he dodged out of her way.

"Oh, it's horrible Dude! I can't find my hairdryer anywhere! What will I do if I can't find it because I'm definitely not going on a Frozen Adventure with this horrendous hairstyle! It's so totally unfabulous!" Mimi paused her search, turning to Dude with a large frown. At that moment, two more doors opened and Pip and Candi entered the room. Both girls looked nearly as distraught as Mimi, though they were at least calmer with their entrances, which both Dude and Rainbow silently praised.

"Hey, have any of you seen my guitar? I swear I left it by my bedside last night but it's not there anymore!" Pip complained, her eyes darting over the room as she searched for her missing item.

"Or my pink fluffy teddy bear I won from the carnival?" Candi pouted, her hands wringing each other as she fought back her worries. Rainbow nudged her busy appendages with his nose, trying to comfort her. Mimi's frown deepened.

"You're both missing stuff aswell?"

"Now that you all mention it, my basketball has also disappeared and Misty was complaining to me at three in the morning last night that she couldn't find her bag full of plastic spiders that she loves to terrorise us with," Dude spoke up, adding his own experiences into the conversation.

"Wait, what was Misty doing up at that time anyways?" Pip raised an eyebrow, her suspicion clearly pasted on her face.

"Who knows. It's Misty. She always stays up late for one reason or another," Dude's response received nods from each of the girls as they each directed their thoughts to trying to figure out the strange happening.

"Bone's gone too!" Rainbow spoke, his voice quickly being followed by another dramatic door opening. Candi stroked his head as he whined from the loudness of the noise to soothe him, just like he'd just calmed her.

"Guys! Have any of you seen my whoopee cushions!? Or heard them by chance..." Sprout burst out of his room, skidding to a cartoon-like halt when he reached the others. He held a somewhat guilty look behind his panicked expression. His friends could assume by this that he'd been meaning to play a prank before he'd figured out that he'd fallen victim to the thief, although he didn't yet know it as he had no awareness that the others had all had something stolen aswell.

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