Pretty Blue Flower's

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"Hm, Scarlet, these flowers are pretty, dont you think ?" A young brunnette girl muttered, sat in a field of overgrown grass and sprouting blue flowers.

"Yeah, they're forget-me-nots," the red-headed girl, Scarlet, sat next to her replied, looking down at the clusters of blue and the few strays that littered the grass.

"How do you even know that ?" she said, looking around and admiring the nature they were sitting in.

The red-headed girl smiled back at her before explaining, "They were always like a family heirloom. My great-grandmother started growing them in her first house. They covered her entire garden. It was beautiful. Then after she passed, my grandmother pulled up about a quarter of them and replanted the bulbs back into her garden, the next summer her garden was also covered in them, then my mother did the same after she passed, and someday im gonna buy a house out here, a farmhouse, and my entire house will be surrounded by them".

"They're so pretty." The girl mumbled as she picked a daisy from near her feet and started pulling off the petals, one by one, "he loves me, he loves me not, he loves -".

"Mhm, there was always more every year, no matter how cold or rainy it got." Scarlet interrupted.

"Why are they called forget-me-nots?"
The other girl questioned, still picking the petals off the small white flower in her hands, "Weird name, no ?".

"Well, their real name is Myosotis sylvatica, dont even ask me to spell that." Scarlet began to continue after herself, "But, they're called Forget-me-nots cause of the story behind them."

"Ooh, do tell, you know i always loved your story times." She yawned sarcastically as she smiled.

"Okay, so basically," Scarlet paused as the other girl giggled slightly, "There was a young couple, a knight and a lady."

"God, im falling asleep, get on with it  !" She laughed.

"Hey, no swearing the gods name, he's literally gonna have the words 'Sarah' engraved in big bold writing on the gates of hell !'" The ginger girl laughed before continuing. "So, there was a knight and a lady, and the two of them were going for a walk near a small river when the lady saw some Myosotis in the field across the stream. She asked the knight to get her a bouquet of them as they where so beautiful, so he lept into the river, and swam against the slight current, retreaved her some of the small blue flowers, and then attempted to swim back, but as he began to swim, the current was just too strong for him to swim against, and it began to drag him away from his one true love. As he was drowning, he threw her the bouquet of flowers he'd picked and called out the words 'forget me not'. He drowned, and she was said to have worn the flowers in her hair until her last breath, where she met her one true love again."

"Okay, great, we're right by a stream, surrounded by the flowers he died getting." Sarah laughed as she looked around, throwing the daisies stem into the grass as she did so. But it was true. There was a small stream a little ways up from where the two girls sat, and the field was practically covered in blue. "Maybe the story happened here ?"

"I mean, it's possible," She shrugged, "if it happens to us, im the lady though, and you're my one true love !"

"Hm, we'll see about that," she smiled before slowly getting up, careful not to crush any of the delicate flowers that lay below her, "oh, also, your gonna be just like the lady now," and she placed a stem of small blue flowers in the red-haired girls hair, just above her ear, making her just like the lady, at the end of her story.

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