Chapter 11: Sick

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When it came to building a house from scratch, that's where Autumn shined. Any list, any measurements, and she could have a decent model in three weeks top. However, when it came to actually decorating houses...she might as well fall flat on her face.

Staring at her new house, the empty, cold interior greeted her. The walls and floors were still bare and shown where they had to be repaired with drywall, creating white streaks among the faded yellow. Her steps echoed while lights revealed an empty kitchen untouched by a human life in who knows how many years.

With a glance around, she made her way to the bathroom and finally the two bedrooms where they were once again empty and untouched by human life. Autumn brushed a hand against the patched wall before she released a shaky breath. It was hard to believe that this house was officially hers.

And here I thought I would never move out of that small apartment. Still, she may be the owner, but the house wasn't ready to live in by a long shot. And with a baby on the way, she found herself dialing her sister in desperation.


"Hey, Heather." She glanced around her empty home. "I don't suppose you feel like helping me decorate a home."

"You got a house?"

"Well, yeah I did." She frowned."You think I could raise my baby in that apartment?"

"Well, that's what I thought."

"No," Autumn knew the apartment was way too small to do that at the moment. "No,I bought a house from Owen we were fixing up." She sighed. "And it needs work."

"Then you should probably hire an interior decorator." Autumn rolled her eyes. She didn't even need to see her sister's face to hear the smile in her voice. "And what do you know? You actually know someone."

"Do It?" Autumn countered."Hmm, I wonder who? Maybe I should just go online and find someone else."

"Go ahead, but he'll probably give you a discount."

"I don't want a sympathy discount."

Heather sighed on the other side of the phone. "Autumn?"


"Call Gian." And with that she hung up.

Autumn did a double take. I can't believe she hung up on me. Still, she reluctantly called Gian's number.

As the dial tone rang, she wrinkled her nose. "And what do you know?" Autumn mocked back in a high pitch. The dial tone continued to ring. "You know someone like that? Oh really, I do? Wow, that's such an amazing surprise, don't you think?"

Her hand turned into little hand puppets. "Autumn, call Gian. Geez, Heather, when did you suddenly become such a bossy little sister? I take care of you, and this is the thanks I get. Well I'm calling Gian now, are you happy now?"

"I'm sure she would be very happy." Autumn froze. Ice cold water poured over her. Oh no. She grimaced. "How much of that did you hear?"

"I answered like three minutes ago." Autumn groaned. That meant he heard almost all of it! She glanced up to the ceiling. Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve this?

"Gian, hi."

He chuckled on the other end."Hey, Autumn."

"We're not going to tell Heather about all that, are we?"

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed." Autumn let out a sigh of relief. "Now, what is the reason for this phone call if you didn't want to call me so badly?"

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