Chapter 4.56 - News Break

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[Local News Break — 5 o'clock News]

[Camera view of a temporary Belport Bulletin desk. Bethany Wonder sits alone at the desk. She's wearing a FEMA shirt with her blue hair pulled back into a bun. Bethany shuffles her papers and takes a deep breath before beginning.]

"A mere twelve days ago, the subaquatic civilization known as the Deep Ones attacked humanity, devastating countries along both coasts of the Atlantic. An unprecedented attack required an equal response. World governments, militaries, and superhero organizations worked together to defend humanity.

"Now, after twelve long days, it seems that the war may be over.

"Earlier this morning, a final exchange occurred. World militaries launched a joint strike on the Deep Ones' underwater bases. All targets were successfully destroyed. In response, the Deep Ones' remaining forces launched a final assault on the Atlantic coasts.

"Millions of brave men and women, military, supers, and civilians put their lives on the line to defend humanity. And we succeeded.

"This is a victory for humanity. For all of us.

"We go now to our reporter on the streets. Johnny Armour's been covering the war first-hand for the Bulletin. And now, he's taking time with some of our heroes."

~ ~

[Camera view of a Summit staging area in the North end of Belport. Johnny Armour is wearing a high-visibility vest and mask. He stands outside the parking lot, which is packed with tents and bustling with supers, military, and relief workers.]

"Thank you, Bethany. I'm here at one of the Summit of Heroes' temporary staging areas. As you can see behind me, the war may be over, but the rest of the work is just beginning.

"First, the Summit wants us to remind our viewers of a few things:

"The water level is back to normal. Many of the tunnels under the city are still flooded, but we're being told the water should continue to drain.

"Even though the flooding is gone, and the war is over, it is not safe for people to come back to Belport. I repeat—it is not safe for people to come back yet. There are still reports of Deep Ones hiding in the city. Search and rescue efforts are ongoing. Right now, no one is going into the city without an escort from the military or the Summit of Heroes.

[Bethany interjects.] "Just to be clear, Johnny. Are those civilians or possibly injured military or supers that they're concerned about?"

[Johnny continues.] "Both. They're certainly on the lookout for any injured friends. Unfortunately, we're also being told that there were quite a few people that didn't evacuate at the onset. So they're on the lookout for both.

"As you can see behind me, there are a lot of brave people working around the clock to help. Tonight, I'm fortunate to talk to some of our local heroes from the Summit. I'm joined with Duplicity, Zanté, and Liara. They've graciously volunteered part of their break time to talk to us about the war, relief efforts, and how it feels to be a hero."

[Camera pans to the three heroes, who are leaning wearily against a military truck. Duplicity's jacket shimmers in the streetlights. An identical copy of her can be seen over her shoulder taking a smoke break. The giant Zanté leans against the truck, his bulk tilting its suspension. Platinum blond hair hangs out from his skull mask. The third cape Liara wears a yellow Summit of Heroes T-shirt. A domino mask hides her face but not her smile.]

"To help defend the world, the Summit invited former unregistered supers, often called masks, to join their ranks. Zanté was one such mask. Zanté, can you tell us a little about your experience officially working with the Summit?"

[Zanté clears his throat and shuffles uneasily, rocking the truck.] "I'm new, like you said. I just do what they tell me."

[Johnny waits a moment, but it's clear that the big super won't say more.] "Duplicity, you're a veteran of the Summit of Heroes. Can you say a little more about their relief efforts now that the war is over? How has the transition been from fighting to search and rescue?"

[Duplicity glances at the others before answering. Meanwhile, the copy of Duplicity crushes the cigarette beneath its boot and disappears.] "Well, the Summit has their [bleep] together—that's for sure."

[Johnny asks a follow-up question.] "How has it been working with new capes like Zanté and Liara?"

[Duplicity nods thoughtfully.] "It's been... a learning curve, for everyone. But we work with what we've got. Doesn't matter the people or the powersets—we'll get the job done."

[Johnny continues.] "Liara, you had just finished training when the Deep Ones attacked. How did it feel going from training into war?"

[Liara sighs deeply and forces a smile.] "It's feeling better now. I was actually injured in the first battle and was in recovery for the first few days. I was lucky compared to others. So, when I could get up, they let me help out the medical staff. They actually just cleared me to go back out as a cape, but now the war is over. I'll still be a cape working with search and rescue and the relief effort, it's just... I wish I could've done more."

[A group of capes walks by, but one cape in particular catches Liara's attention. The super wore a full bodysuit, matte black with gray swirls and channels that wrapped around his entire body from his head down to his feet. They appear to be going off in a different direction, alone.]

[Liara calls out to the cape.] "Thank you!"

[The lone super turns and, after a moment, recognizes her.] "No problem. Glad to see you're feeling better."

[Johnny interjects.] "Another brave cape going out into the city. Can you tell us how long of a break the Summit gives you?"

[The super shrugs.] "It depends on what you need. Everyone's different. I think most capes take an hour."

[Johnny asks a follow-up question.] "How does it feel to see the tide go out from the city?"

"It feels like there's a lot of work to still be done. Excuse me." [The super turns. In one fluid motion, he leaps up four stories to a nearby roof.]

[The camera pans back to the original group of supers. Liara is smiling. Zanté is watching the cape leave like he recognizes him. Duplicity only glances nervously up at him. The camera pans back to Johnny.]

[Johnny Armour shrugs and turns back to the camera.] "There you have it. No rest for the heroes of Belport. Back to you, Bethany."

~ ~

[Camera view returns to Bethany Wonder behind the temporary Belport Bulletin desk.]

"Thank you, Johnny.

"A hopeful and somber note. That cape put it perfectly. The tide may have gone out from Belport, but it left scars left in its wake. Cities all along the Atlantic have been devastated by battle and by the prolonged flooding. It will take weeks before the final casualties are accounted for. Rebuilding will take even longer. Cities around the world will be feeling the effects for years to come.

"We're being told that world agencies are monitoring fallout from the nuclear strikes, and reassured that contamination to ocean ecosystems will be limited.

"This is Bethany Wonder with the Belport Bulletin. We'll continue to be your source of updates and inspiration in the coming weeks. Just like the Summit, the Bulletin is on your side."

~ ~ ~

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