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The journey was admittedly a bit rough. Cobs hadn't been so far out of the kingdom, and out of civilization as a whole in so many years at this point, so he wasn't exactly used to the terrain, and how rocky it really was, but that was a good part of why he left so early. He has about a weeks time to get where he's needed. He was hoping to get there early enough to wait it out, but if he only managed to get there just in time, it would be fine. It wasn't the world's worst trek, and he had the gear to do it, his body was just not meant for this kind of perilous travel. He was a man on top of the world, but he was still human, and he knew that.

Even with all of his own training, and making sure to stay quick on his feet, even as he was approaching his later years, he was sure it would only take one wrong step or move to kill him. He was trying to avoid that, because he was not ready to leave this world behind. He still had so much to do, and only so much time, and he refused to cut that time short. His sons were also not ready yet to be rulers of a kingdom. They were getting there, but they were still just... Off. He'd never say it to their faces, of course, but... If worse came to worst, he might have to do some reprogramming. It was seemingly an easy fix to make the second one with more of a combat lensed focus, but the first one was still far too soft. Too much of a slacker to be suddenly thrust into a position of true power. If his demise were to happen here, well... He'd honestly much prefer the red one to take the throne. The blue one still needed to learn discipline, and maybe that was his own fault, he could own up about that, having chosen not to train him like he did 4s, but... Maybe he'd work on fixing that once he got back, if he had the time. If he didn't, well, he was sure the red one was along enough in his own capabilities to train his brother.

That could work.

Though Cobs shook most of his thoughts off for now, taking a long look around the area. The mountains were always perpetually covered in snow, making it just a little harder as he made it to the higher points, so he'd need all his focus on his movements and path through all of this.


Their father, of course, did not just go on a day trip, and both of the princes found this out when Ballpoint, the loyal advisor joined the two for dinner.

MePhone had always expected the two were close on a... Different level, but that was not the topic. Right now, he was going on about the responsibilities of everyone to keep things going as is, and how their father would not be back when expected. All without actually telling either of them what was going on, even though 4s had asked.

"So what, we just keep doing the same thing we've been doing every single day?" 4s just sighed, already sick of this. Their father was gone, and they still couldn't get any real free time. It was infuriating to the younger prince. He was getting so sick of the same training. The same routines. The same days just over and over and over again. It was enough to drive someone mad! But... At least the night of sitting up on the tower roof had been a good change of pace. The two didn't talk when they had gone up there, just ending up enjoying a shared company in the peace of nightfall.

So he wasn't going mad just yet, but he could really, desperately use a good break.

BallPoint just cleared his throat, before speaking again.

"With... Your father's current absence, and with me in charge of making sure things go smoothly here, I suppose if you really need it, I can grant a free day for the two of you tomorrow. But you must understand the way you two live, and your routines are very important. He had you doing all of this for a reason."

"Yeah, well it's getting kind of old."

"And is this something you would be brave enough to say to your father's face?"

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