Chapter 7: Death is a long time.

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I've been at the hotel for a week now. Charlie and Vaggie were nice enough to give me my own room at the hotel, along with the freedom to design my personal space however I see fit. I haven't gotten too far into decorating, but I did find a flower I found pretty and put it in my room. I'm not great at taking care of plants, but I'm sure going to try.

I explained to Charlie that in order for me to help with her recruitment I would need some marketing materials. A social media account and some flyers would be a good start. She gave me permission to work on a social media account for the hotel and then gave me blank papers and crayons for the flyers. I'm not THAT creative!

For now, I'm sitting in the lobby with the papers and crayons, seriously trying to figure out how on earth she expects me to make a professional-looking flyer out of these materials. I am really trying though. I've spent a good amount of time trying to make this flyer.

Angel takes a seat next to me and looks at my page. "What the fuck is that?" He asks as he points to a part of my flyer.

"That's the hotel!" I say, offended. Like it should be obvious. "Can't you tell by the windows? See? There's the door." I point out.

Angel leans in closer, taking more time to look it over. "Huh, so it is." He then gets comfy again on the couch and pulls out his phone. "I thought it was a giant red dildo." He states calmly.

"And why would I be drawing a giant red dildo with a crayon?" I question Angel, giving him my full attention.

Angel shrugs. "I don't know what's happening in that brain of yours. Maybe you're thinking about giant red dildos." He looks up from his phone and gives me that devilish smirk. He's truly been a source of entertainment since I've been here.

"Ah, well you caught me. If I'm not thinking of giant red dildos I'm thinking of small purple butt plugs." I quip back. "Did you need something, Angel?" I ask him.

"Just wanted to chat." He says as he crosses his legs. "You've been here a week now and I feel like you're still a mystery. What were you doing before you came to the hotel?" Angel asks.

"I-" I'm quickly interrupted before I can answer Angel's question.

"(y/n), a moment of your time." Alastor politely demands as he calmly stands a few feet from Angel and me. I actually don't mind the interruption. I was struggling on what exactly to tell Angel. I have to keep in mind what I've already told others and make sure I'm not giving away too much. Alastor is actually saving me from having to worry about this right now. I excuse myself from Angel and make my way towards Alastor. As I get closer to him, he begins walking down the hallway. Great... seclusion.

"My report." Alastor demands calmly as he walks with his hands behind his back, still holding his staff. He's been back an entire week, and this is the first time I actually get to talk to him. I have so many questions for him.

"Where have you been?" I ask. I don't get anything in response except for a shift in his eyes, which are now looking down at me. "It's been seven years. I haven't heard from you at all in that time. I didn't know when you would be back. I didn't know how long I'd be undercover working in the V's tower. I've been-" I get interrupted by a sharp tug at my neck. The contracted chain that holds me to Alastor is in his grasp. He looks very upset.

"I didn't ask for your questioning, darling. I want my report." He clarifies as he stops walking. The hallway feels darker than it was before. I'm not sure if that's accurate or if it's my eyes playing tricks on me.

"Ow, fuck." I mutter. That yank didn't feel great on my neck. My contract with Husk was much different than my contract is now with Alastor. It's still difficult for me to get used to. I need to remember that I'm in the hands of the Radio Demon. He doesn't care about me personally, just my usefulness.

"Velvette is making love potions and distributing them to all rings in Hell. They're dangerous because it leaves the victims in a wanting state where they may perform actions towards someone they are not proud of or entirely consenting to." I begin. Alastor still hasn't released his hold on me, but he hasn't interrupted either, waiting for the remainder of my report.

"Valentino is bringing in money for their operations through films, live shows, and a partnership with the King of Lust in creating sex toys and supplies. His contract with Angel Dust is his most lucrative financial investment and earns him the most. If that were to be disrupted their finances would slowly tank." I continue. Alastor is still holding onto the chain, but his grip has loosened. This is a good sign.

"And Vox?" Alastor asks.

"Vox has been developing and perfecting flying drones to monitor Pentagram City. He has eyes everywhere. If you step foot outside of this hotel he'll see you. They are battery powered but they're self-timed to return to a charging station at the tower and deploy a replacement so that no area is left unchecked. If the drones detect they are in danger they will get to a safe distance while still monitoring the situation." I finish my report. There are a few seconds of uncomfortable silence before Alastor says anything.

The chain disappears, he pats down his coat, and he straightens himself up. "Perfect. You're proving to be rather useful." He states in a dark and unnerving tone. "I'm glad Husker lost that game. Who knew he was hiding such a resource in that dingy casino of his." Alastor mentions.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I ask. I do my best to not sound as broken as I feel, but I'm sure he knows. "Why can't you just kill me? I don't want this. Whatever this is." I explain, looking away from him.

"Oh, but I tried. Don't you remember?" Alastor laughs. He grabs my chin and forces me to look back up at him. That same smile that's always on his face looks a bit too excited for my liking. "You took that opportunity away from me. Because I was too busy looking for you to make sure you would not run to the authorities, I lost awareness of my surroundings and ended up shot. I ended up here that very night." His grip loosens and lightly traces his fingers down my neck, wrapping his hand around but not gripping tight.

"Your death rightfully belongs to me. And darling, death is a long time." Alastor laughs as he removes his hand from my neck.

"I suggest you come around to the idea, or you're in for a miserable eternity." He recommends as he starts walking again. "Come along, (y/n)."  

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