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Chris' POV:

My name is Chris Anderson. I am 5"11 and I am twenty-three years of age, have bright azure eyes and mud brown hair that was messily spiked. And here I was, sitting in my bedroom at my desk, singing my heart out about how much I loved my roommate.

"I would miss all the places and people I love." I sang softly looking at the computer screen. I was on YouTube watching Timothy's song cover videos.
Why couldn't that be me he was singing it to? He could just change the lyrics so he sung "I would miss Chris Anderson so very much." I sounded like such a stalker. If I saw myself I think I would call me a stalker as well. I shook my head and mentally face palmed myself before I stood up and stretched, walking out of my bedroom to creep downstairs into the kitchen.
I open the fridge and grabbed a glass of milk and turned to look out of the window when I heard a loud thud come from behind me. I quickly spun round and saw Timothy on the floor with just his boxers on. I stared for a while, expression blank before I burst out laughing and, after a few seconds, he did too. I reach my hand out for him to take. He slid his hand into mine and there it was. Sparks. The butterflies in my stomach went mad.
"Ehe. Chris!" He managed to say after our little laughing fit, still trying to get his breathing back to normal.
"I didn't hear you come down." He spoke in a more relaxed tone, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, looking at me shyly. He was beautiful. His black hair cut into an undercut with bangs falling either side of his face and his beautiful green eyes. They were like emeralds...
I snapped back into reality when I realised I was probably staring.
"Oh yeah... sorry." I replied nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. I'm such an awkward derp.

Timothy's POV:

"I was wondering when you were going to come down and socialise me insteed of watching my videos all day everyday." I smirked, raising a brow.
Chris froze. I knew that look. He finally figured out that I knew about his little obsession with me. He doesn't hide it very well, trust me, I've seen his browser history. Plus the fact he knows all of my songs not to mention I could hear him playing my videos from upstairs. Coincidence? I think not. But for now I'll tease him a little more.

"I'm joking Chris. Chill out. You looked like I've discovered your deepest darkest secret!" I said with a laugh, seeming to make him relaxed and comfortable again.
I loved doing this. It was cruel but I couldn't help it he was so cute when he done it. Me and Chris had been best of friends since I can remember. We were like brothers and we grew up together. One was never seen without the other and we lived right next door to eachother when we were young so that definitely helped us form a strong bond. We told eachother everything.... Well, he told me everything, me on the otherhand didnt tell him everything. There was one secret I was keeping from him... And it was one I guarded with my life.

When I was eleven, it was decided that I was old enough to keep a guarded secret. I was told about the supernatural. Not the type you see in films and books. I got told about the real kind, the kind that existed right under our noses.
I was told that vampires, werewolves, pixies, goblins, and fairies were all real. That they were all around us living normal lives like normal people. Pretending to be something there not so they don't get killed by humans.

The reason I know this you may ask? Because on my eleventh birthday I found out I was one. I wasn't what other creatures considered 'normal' supernatural. I was a hybrid. One of the stronger species but also one of the rarest ones. There weren't many of my kind left in this world. I was a mix between human, vampire and werewolf, difficult to understand I know, but let me explain.

I found out the truth about my family. I found out that my Grandmother was a human and that my Grandfather was a vampire. When they had a child, my mother, they found out that she was a half breed; A vampire and a human. This meant that she had the characteristics of a vampire but she aged like a human would. I then found out that my other Grandparents were werewolves and so was my dad. This meant that when they had me I was a third of each of them, causing me to be stronger and more powerful. It also caused me to have unique powers that I had to learn and control. This made me dangerous. I had the speed of a vampire and the strength of a werewolf. I didn't require blood but I did eat a lot of meat. Unlike other werewolves, I chose when I shifted; the full moon couldn't enslave me. The human side of me had perks too. I smelled like a human so I was hard for supernatural creatures to track me, making it good to hide and cover up my scent.

So when me and Chris had arguements about the supernatural and him claiming that vampires cant walk in the sun, which they can because I'm one of them, it frustrated me a lot because I knew what was right and what was not. I was very competitive and it made me want to scream in his face that I was right because I was part of the supernatural... It made me want to tell him about me, my family, everything but I couldn't. Not if I wanted Chris to live another day. I loved him too much to let him be killed and me having to live with it all my life. I'd have to deal with his triumphant smirks as he walked away from me after winning a debate.

But let me explain. I'm over protective for a reason. When I was eight, my mother's sister-in-law, Emilia, died.
They told me it was an accident and that it was in a car crash but when I was eleven, I found out the truth. My Aunt's other half, my uncle Nicolaus was a vampire and two months after he told Emilia his secret she died. She was murdered by pixies.

Pixies hated the vampire species they considered them to be an abomination and wanted to destroy everything that had vampire in them. My aunt had been killed because she was married to a vampire. A vampire that loved her unconditionally and would die for her. Let me explain something important. Vampire love is like no other, once it's found it can't be broken and if a vampire's other half died it would weaken them and drive them insane. They would go wild and become a danger to themselves and others. They would either kill themselves or killed others until they were killed. My uncle was a kind man and did not want to harm anyone so he took his own life not long after my aunt's death. He was broken without her.
His last words to me were: "Chin up son, enjoy the ride whilst it lasts." I didn't know what that meant and I'm still not sure.
He seemed so normal like he would never kill himself so when they told me how he had ended his life it came as a massive shock. I didn't understand how pixies could do something so... So horrific. We had done nothing to them!

The pixies haven't come for me yet because they don't know my weakness, but I'm waiting for them. If I opened up to Chris and told him everything it would be like a spark in a dry forest. They would get him when I wasn't near and without hesitating they would kill him. I couldn't and wouldn't let that happen. I just wanted to be human. I didn't want this. If I had the option I would be a human and I wouldn't need to think about it. I just wanted to know what it felt like to not have to constantly worry about being exposed or the pixies coming after me. I just wanted to know what it felt like to not have a care in the world. To fall in love, to get drunk off my head and not be scared of losing control. To do normal things.

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