Y'all Won't Be Touching Them...

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Back at Gana and Gorm's tent...

Gana: Sigh... so you met, Chaka and Baul then?

Gorm: ...

Zeke: Yea, I did, and quick question...

Gana: ?

Zeke: Really? Him?

Gana:💧Jeez Zeke - you say it like I WANTED to choose him.

She sat down and crossed her arms saying...

Gana: Your grandfather choose him for me, but I didn't want him or to carry his genes.

She looked at her husband who was still pissed about her ex fiancé being in the village and said...

Gana: I chose your father because titles didn't matter to him, pride didn't rule over him. Your father didn't want to rule my life, he wanted me to watch his back and vice versa.

She smiled and said...

Gana: I may knock him around every now and then, but he's what I wanted. No one else.

Gorm heard what he's wife said and smiled at her for it and nodded.

Gorm: I love you too, wife.

Gana: Heheh... so, anyway...

Jok/Taka/Rall: ???

Zeke: ?

Gana: What did Chaka say to you, Zeke?

The teen patted Ghaz's head saying...

Zeke: He was just being a bitch, trying to rile me up.

Gana:💧Zeke, the cursing.

Zeke: Well, he did. He was really trying to rub it in my face that you missed out.

Gana: 💢 Trust me, I didn't miss out on anything. He's only saying that because both me and his wife slept with your father.

Zeke: ... At the same time?

Gana: ... Sigh...

Zeke: ... Wait, for real?

Gana: Ok... so as you know, Orcs are allowed to have multiple wives. Your father had me and Shina. But, because Chaka was so upset that both of the women that he wanted chose Gorm -

Jok: Wait, hold on - cause this is my first time hearing about this.

Zeke: You mean to tell me, that he hates dad, because he had you BOTH. Now, he's even angrier that dad passed him one of you?


Gana: Jok that's not -

Taka: Hahaahahahahahah!!!!

Rall: (Snickers)

Gana: Guys, you can't -

Zeke: Mom heheh that's funny.

Gana: We have to be adults about this.


They all laughed with Gana shaking her head in humor of them laughing at her ex before giggling herself.

After they calmed down, Gana said...

Gana: Sigh, well Zeke? You ready for the day after tomorrow?

Zeke: Day after tomorrow?

Rall: I-I thought the ceremony was tomorrow.

Gana: Ugh, it was but Litu, Shem, and Auga's father, Zal, caused a whole fuss about "MY WIFE NEEDS TO BE HERE TO SEE THIS ORC BRAT FAIL!!!!" And all that...

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