Chapter Three: Watching...

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You hear a knock from outside your room, prompting you to rise immediately and open the door. Standing there is your uncle, holding a mug of coffee.

"Hey (Name), your dad and I are heading out for a hunt and thought you might like to join. Interested?"

You grin, eager to get back into wildlife activities. "Yeah, sounds great. When are we leaving?"

"Right now. We're getting ready, so you should too. Meet us downstairs." He heads off, leaving you to pack and change.

You made your way downstairs to find your dad still seated, enjoying his coffee. With a smile, you greeted him, and he returned the gesture as you took a seat opposite him.

"Morning," you said cheerfully. He nodded and pointed to the counter, where a bag of bread awaited. "You should eat first. There's plenty of bread there," he advised, his tone conveying care and concern. Grateful for his thoughtfulness, you followed his suggestion, knowing that a well-nourished start would be essential for the day ahead.

After finishing your meal, you observed your dad packing his bag meticulously for the trip. Once he was ready, he headed outside to load it into the truck.

Later, you climbed into the vehicle alongside your dad and uncle. Your dad took his place behind the wheel, while your uncle settled in next to him, and you were positioned in the back seat.

The journey to the destination was rough, but eventually, you all reached the intended spot. Exiting the truck, the sounds of chirping birds and the gentle warmth of sunlight filtering through the trees greeted you, casting a peaceful atmosphere over the area.

Your dad and uncle swiftly set about preparing their hunting gear, and placing it in a hiding spot to remain unnoticed to the wildlife.

Gathering at the designated location, your uncle turned to you with a question, "Still remember how to handle a rifle?" Meeting his gaze with a grin, you admitted, "A little rusty, I guess. It's been ages since I've held one." He chuckled reassuringly, "It'll come back to you, like second nature."

As your uncle departed for another spot, your dad approached, rifle in hand. Gesturing for you to lie low to avoid detection, he positioned you both on your stomachs. With the rifle set up, he glanced at you and proposed, "Why don't you give it a try this time?" Surprised yet intrigued, you glanced back at him, asking, "Are you sure?" His affirmative nod encouraged you as he made space for you to take hold of the rifle, ready to guide you through the experience.

As you peered through the telescope, scanning the landscape for any signs of wildlife, your attention was drawn to movement on the left. There, a deer leisurely grazed on the grass. Excitedly, you tore your gaze away from the lens and turned to your dad, "I think I spotted a deer." He nodded in agreement, "Alright, remember what I taught you. Just relax and focus on your target." You do as he says and took a deep breath, returning your focus to the telescope, you prepared to take aim.

However, your concentration was suddenly interrupted by a movement behind the deer. Adjusting your position, you squinted to get a clearer view and were surprised to see a person concealed behind a tree. Your heart raced as you observed the figure, the person is wearing a beige hoodie with dark and light tan stripes on the sleeves, along with a navy blue hood. They have a smiley mask covering the lower half of their face and bright orange steampunk-style goggles. Their attire is completed with blackish-grey jeans and black converse shoes.

"Is that a person?" you wondered, feeling creep out at the unexpected sight. To your astonishment, the figure began waving at you, sending a shiver down your spine. Feeling unsettled, you hesitated for a moment whether to alert your dad when suddenly...


The sudden sound of a gunshot startled you, causing you to jump as you gasped in surprise. It was your uncle, firing at an animal on the other side. Your dad shot a disapproving glance at him, "Miguel, you should have given us a heads up first." Your uncle turned to you both, offering an apologetic smile as he explained, "Sorry about that, the deer was about to escape. I had to act fast."

Your dad let out a sigh and glanced your way, prompting you to remember the deer you were about to shoot. When you looked back through the telescope, the deer had vanished, likely startled by the earlier gunshot. Yet, when you turned again, the man who had waved at you behind the tree was nowhere to be seen, as if he had disappeared into thin air. Feeling both confused and frightened, you were startled when your dad tapped your back, drawing your attention away.

"It's okay, we'll have better luck next time," your dad reassured with a smile, gesturing for you to return to the truck. With a sigh, you followed his lead.

Your uncle approached, dragging a large bag behind him, presumably containing the deer he had just shot. "Sorry if I startled you back there," he said, grinning as he placed the bag in the truck bed. "No worries," you replied with a smile, "I'll be ready next time. Honestly, I was still a bit hesitant to pull the trigger." Your uncle chuckled and loaded the bag onto the truck.

The three of you climbed back into the truck, settling into the same seats as before, ready to head home.

As your dad drove, your mind raced with thoughts of the recent encounter. While the deer wasn't particularly important to you, the image of the man remained vivid in your thoughts. His attire suggested he could be just a random hiker, but the presence of goggles and a mask in the middle of the woods seemed odd. You even entertained the unsettling notion that he might be involved with a cult. The whole situation felt strange and unsettling to mull over.

Upon returning home, your dad and uncle helped each other to carry the deer, while you handled bringing the equipments back to the cabin. Exhausted, you laid down on the couch to catch your breath. As you rested, you noticed your dad's phone lying on the table in front of you, catching your attention.

Just then, your dad entered the living room. "Hey, dad," you called out, prompting him to pause and look at you. "Yeah?" he responded, curious about what you had to say. "I was wondering, was the place we visited earlier was where you saw the red mark on the tree?" you asked.

Your dad nodded, confirming, "Yes, why do you ask?" Sensing his confusion, you hesitated but decided to ask further, "Did you see anyone else besides the mark?" His brow furrowed slightly as he replied, "No, just the mark." Before you could talk again, he reassured you, "Don't worry about it. It's probably been there for a while, or maybe someone's just trying to pull a prank."

You shrugged, "Okay, just curious," as your dad nodded and left the room, leaving you in silence.

With a sigh, you reached for your dad's phone, finding it unlocked. With a simple swipe, you accessed the gallery app and located the picture of the mark your dad had shown you the night before. As you investigate the image, zooming in for a closer look, a thought dawned on you: since the mark and the man you encountered were in the same location, could they be connected?

You couldn't shake the unsettling possibility from your mind,

"what if the man was the one responsible for creating the mark?"

Note: Your first encounter with Ticci Toby.

This was a bit short but it's just a head start. There's more to come in the next one. Stay tuned!

One Girl Against Three Killers (female reader x proxies) Creepypasta Where stories live. Discover now