Chapter 14

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I wake up wrapped up in Xavier's arms with my head on his chest and I couldn't be happier.

I kiss Xavier's chest and he mumbles, "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning handsome."

"Just saying I had imagined have sex with you but I never imagined you being like that."

"I was caught up in the moment, sorry."

"No beautiful I would quite happily do that all over again, over and over and over again."

I gently hit his chest but kiss it afterwards.

Last night I got a bit caught up in the moment and ended up leaving scratch marks all down Xavier's back as well as straddling him and f**king him till he had blue balls, temporarily.

"I loved every minute of it beautiful." He said kissing my forehead.

I rolled over so that I was lying on top of him and looked up at him.

"I love you." I said meaning ever word.

"I love you more."


"Nothing's impossible when I'm with you." He said then brought me up a little so he could kiss me.

"I need a shower, wanna join?" I asked.

"Really?" Xavier asks surprised.


"Hells yea!" Xavier yells as he picks me up, gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom.

He places me on the ground before turning on the shower. Once the shower is heated up properly we get in and take turns washing each other.

Xavier picked up my arm and kissed all my scars. I told him about them and why just after we accepted each other as mates, he didn't get angry at me he just made me promise not to do it again, which I did.

Xavier turned off the shower when we were done and we stepped out. I dried myself off before putting on underwear and a bra then drying my hair a little with the towel.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to the wardrobe to get some clothes. I knew there was only Xavier's clothes so I just grabbed one of his tops and putting it on before walking out of the wardrobe again.

"I like seeing you in my clothes." Xavier says before coming over and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yea well I couldn't say the same for if you were in mine." I reply giggling.

"Yea not happening beautiful."


I suddenly felt the urge to puke and pulled myself out of Xavier's arms before running to the bathroom and puking in the toilet.

Xavier comes in and hold my hair back while rubbing circles on my back.

Once I finished puking I sit back on my knees and Xavier hands me a towel to wipe my mouth with. I wipe my mouth before sitting back against the wall.

"What if I'm pregnant Xavier?"

"Then we'll work it out. Tony and Diana know about the werewolf world they will understand."

"I know but I'm so young."

"I know baby." He says then kisses my forehead and sitting beside me and pulling me in for a hug.

"I've always wanted to be a mum but I didn't think I would be one so young."

"I know but it happens all the time in the werewolf community, your not the only one. There's even 16 year old's who are pregnant."

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