《Bittersweet Farewell》

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He really doesn't want this to end.

Why does time even go by that fast?

Their classroom was way more noisy and louder than ever.

I mean, why couldn't it be? Today's the last day of school.

Meaning, not only today's the last day everyone will see each other, both students and teachers.

But today's also the last day he'll see his friends, and Dream.

It's not like they live far away from each other's houses, but it's different when you get to see your friends when you're all in school, you know what I mean?

George really doesn't want to be a part of the groups of boys doing stupid shit like throwing their chairs around, and the girls taking pictures and letting their friends write something on their shirt or something that serves as dedication or remembrance, when his only friend group to be with was with Karl, Sapnap, and Dream.

The 4 of them did take a group picture, and after that they decided to just talk about different topics, before they all go home.

Although, George noticed something a bit off about Dream when they were all walking through the hallway.

Sapnap and Karl were just talking as usual, but Dream had his right hand on his backpack the whole time for no reason, having the same look he had before he could even show George his drawing to him back then.

He didn't think much of it.

"I have to go. I'll miss you guys," Karl gave each of them a hug.

Though, when it came to Sapnap, he gave him a peck on the lips.

This made George wide-eyed, "You're dating him, Karl?"

"Yeah, obviously," Karl giggled.

"Is this your first time knowing it, Gogs?" Sapnap gave Karl another kiss, this time on his cheek.

Who cares if someone sees 2 high school boys kissing in the middle of the hallway? It's not like teachers would care, since it's the last day of school anyway.

Sapnap had left with Karl, with his arm over his right shoulder; it was just him and Dream standing there.

"Hey, George?" Dream spoke, breaking the silence between them, "I also have to go, but I do have something for you..."

George finally saw Dream's hand retracted from his backpack and take out a piece of folded paper.

"Here," Dream placed it on his hand, "Open it when you get home, okay?"

George observed the paper in his hands, before he unexpectedly felt arms around him, and a peck on his cheek.

Dream had hugged and kissed him.

It was too quick for him to even process it, before Dream had walked pass him, probably all red-faced.

George stared at nothing at first, maybe because he can't stop his flushed face from Dream's action seconds ago, before he slowly unfolded the paper in curiosity and began to read it.

I love the way you smile like you don't realize you're doing it. I love the way you hold eye contact a moment longer than you need to. Your eyes are so mesmerizing, I could stare at it all day. I just love everything about you. Now, trust me when I say I still don't know how to draw, but I did my best. Enjoy your summer break, George :)

- Dream ♡

Then below it was a drawing of George.

Dream really did try to sketch every single detail of George's face, and he loved everything about it.

His hair was a bit wavy, his features were right, and Dream had assumably used blue and brown colored pencils as the only pop of color in the entire drawing.

How will George even explain the feeling he gets when he receives something like this.

He doesn't know exactly, but he knows for sure that he'll ask himself what did he even do to deserve someone like Dream.

He looked at it one more time, before folding it carefully and placing it inside his backpack.

George can't wait for next school year.

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