ejen ali and boboiboy oneshot-

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A bit of info:this happened 3 months after the reverse incident.

Ali was walking out of the training field while mumbling something.

Ali : did I.. Not deserve the iris..?

Outside the training field, there was a brunette with a backwards orange cap and a orange sleeveless jacket with a black T-shirt waiting. He noticed Ali being drowned in sorrows. So he open his arms. Ali saw him and instantly hug him because he is overwhelmed by negative thoughts.

? : don't worry Ali, big brother is here.

Ali : thanks boboiboy.

Mechamato gonna have some insane dad lore right here. OH WAIT ITS MY TURN OH SHI- Ali nowadays have been more comfortable with boboiboy. Boboiboy always visits Ali whenever he's free from missions. Oh, it looks like someone also looking for ali- AYO? ALICIA?? also Ali's friends doesn't know about boboiboy.

Alicia : Ali! Who did you bring again?!

Ali : eh?! Alicia!

Boboiboy : hm? Isn't this is one of your classmates, Ali?

Ali : oh uh.. They don't know you yet big bro!

Alicia : 'big bro'? I thought you didn't have a big brother?!

Ali : well.. It's complicated

Boboiboy : don't worry Alicia! I'm not in uno's side! Hey ali, how come you didn't say anything about me to your friends?

Ali : I just think that they will not believe me..

Boboiboy : aw cmon! They will be impressed of your new family!

Alicia just stood there with a deadpanned face. She is being ignored by these two wholesome siblings. Since the siblings duo is chatting, Alicia noticed khai repairing/upgrading his robot. So, Alicia approaches him and telling him to see the outside of the training field.

Khai and Alicia go to the outside of the training field and saw nothing. Khai thinks it's a prank while Alicia is confused. How can they are gone so fast? They were there 1 minute ago!

Khai : there's nothing here, Alicia. Are you wasting my time?

Alicia : I swear there was a brunette right here- someone who isn't an agent is here one minute ago!

Khai : are you sure you're not hallucinating?

Alicia : let's just go home.

It's already night time. In Ali's house, there was 2 people in a room. Playing a video game (probably ml) together.

Boboiboy : haha! I win!

Ali : that's not fairr!!

Boboiboy : I told ya, ultimate attack can be used in anytime!

Ali : awhh.. Also, when will I meet the others?? I really want to see the other members of tapops! I want to see your friends!! I really want to see ____!

Boboiboy : next time okay? Probably next month.

Ali : awhhhh...

Boboiboy stand up(they were sitting on Bean bags) and approaches Ali. He pats Ali before making a portal using his powerwatch(spoilers lmao).

Ali : are you going home? It's only been a half a hour!

Boboiboy : my friends will be worried if I come back late. Maybe tomorrow, we will go to windara, ya want that?

Ali : *eyes sparkle* whoaaa!! Yes please!!

Boboiboy : see ya tomorrow!

Ali : bye brother! Boboiboy steps in the portal and after he's already in, the portal shuts. Or disappear. I guess.


One-shot.. More like- ONE 🔫- alright sorry memes are all over my Pinterest right now. I will update the book dw.

542 words.

some Random Shit About Aus (also some spoilers hehe and no cover😃) Where stories live. Discover now