change(a bit of bloopers)

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You may be thinking, why did I change it to "why. Why me?! "? Well, because boboiboy is questioning about why the hell is he is the one who gets to be the antagonist instead of anyone else. Probably a curse or something. Also I have something in mind, I am rejoining the countryhumans fandom and since my favorite is Indonesia so I might make a wattpad story about him. I mean.. He's gay right? No, he's not- HES A FUCKING MUSLIM WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME- why are my favorite characters are muslim whyyyyy


Reverse : I will fucking kill your whole family muahaha- AOUCH- WHO THE FUCK THROW A FUCKING PAN AT ME- OUCH!

Yaya : hey! You can't just curse meanwhile boboiboy is around!

Gempa : oh so you're the one who's been teaching boboiboy curse words huh..? 💢

Reverse : oh shit-


Mechamato : why does every admiral's name starts with M?

Maskmana : well- oh wait- why tho?


_____ : ayo what- What are you doing?!

Reverse : frying the shit out of them


____ : hahahaha!! These humans are so funny lol!! Right _____ ??

_____ : shut the fuck up you small bitch-


_______ : why is our son like this??

______ : I don't know, he was sane yesterday and now he's laughing uncontrollably to an astronaut?



Characters will be connected to a fandom! Guess it! It's related to planets!

I am not stealing them duh I'm just borrowing them also all of those DID NOT happen in the actual series or even fandom-

252 words

some Random Shit About Aus (also some spoilers hehe and no cover😃) Where stories live. Discover now