'Did you just propose to me Percy Jackson?'

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The sun was shining and waves crashed against the coast of Long Island South. The children of Wisdom and the Earthshaker sat in the white sand hand in hand.

The laughed and joked together, drew pictures in the sand and enjoyed themselves.

Meanwhile, Percy silently prayed to all the gods he could name because what he was about to do would change his life forever- he could end up being the happiest demigod on the plant or the saddest hero in Elysium.

'If I don't make out of this alive, I swear I'll kill Piper.' Percy thought, as his fingers slipped into his pocket and closed around a small box.

'Annabeth?' Percy asked.

'Hmm?' Annabeth replied absentmindedly while drawing pictures in the sand with a branch.

'...What are your opinions of your surname? Like personally, Chase seems weird. Like why would people even think that you were chasing someone?'

Annabeth's lips parted and her eyes widened. For a moment she just absorbed what Percy had said. Then her stormy grey eyes were directed straight at Percy's.

'If you have even a single brain cell in all tht kelp, you'd know you need to run,' Annabeth whispered. The gray storms in her eyes swirled with anger and Percy could swear he saw lightning flash.

Percy yelped and backed away. 'Chill! I just thought it would be awesome if it were Jackson instead!'

Annabeth froze.

She blinked.

She blinked again.

'Did you just propose to me, Percy Jackson?'

Percy smiled and kissed her, which was probably the second best kiss of all time.

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