Nadeen di Angelo

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(Nadeen is an OC, based on @TheFangirl185)

'Nadeen,' Nico croaked. 'I need Nadeen,'

The young boy in front of Nico at Camp Half-Blood nodded and ran away to find Nadeen di Angelo, Nico di Angelo's long lost cousin.

Nadeen had been in the Lotus Casino along with Nico amd Bianca all along. However, when the Fury Alecto came to bring the di Angelo children to the military academy, she forgot Nadeen. The thirteen year old had stayed in the Casino for what she thought was a few weeks but in actual time, it had been five whole years.

Nadeen lived since then believing that her siblings had left her alone in the hotel. She had not known, that her small and excited and Mythomagic obsessed eight year old cousin had become a 13 year old, son of Hades, the Ghost King, dark, mysterious, quiet and moody and a ghost of what he had been, five years ago.

She hadn't known, that her cousin sister was dead, that she gave her life to protect her friends, and had lost her life to the blindness of the gods and ignorance of their creations.

Nadeen had hugged Nico tightly when she saw him again and had demanded him to tell her where Bianca was, when he got teary eyed at the mention of his late sister.

To make a long story short, Hades had been interested in both Nora and Maria di Angelo, Nora first and than Maria.

Nadeen was both Nico's sister and cousin.

Don't blame me, the gods are weird and disgusting and the no DNA in family thing?

They take that very seriously.

Now back to Nico, who was trying really hard not to die after two back to back shadow travels, one with three extra people.

Nadeen di Angelo rushed towards him. Her light brown hair fell over her shoulders as she bent down in front of Nico, who was already down on his fours.

She pulled out a small bottle of silvery liquid from her hoodie pockets and made Nico drink it.

'A little nectar mixed with water and unicorn horn shavings,' she mumbled.
'Will was right. It does do wonders,'

Colour began to return to Nico's face. He locked eyes with Nadeen.

'Councillor's meeting,' he whispered, gesturing to the three unconcious people behind him. 'We've got things to discuss.'

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