Kabanata 4

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Kabanata 4  |  Cease Fire

Nilingon ko ang burger na nakabalit sa isang white plastic wrapper at ang gulaman juice na nasa table ko.

“Who's your next subject-teacher?" tanong niya habang papasok kami sa school. I'm just casually eating the burger he bought. Though it's fine, it's a bit oily for me.

I looked at the gulaman juice he's holding along with his burger. Is that unpredictably good as well?

“Ma'am Galolo, why?"

He nodded. “Good. You can bring these with you. Hindi naman ganoon kahigpit si Ma'am Galolo so you can eat secretly. Pero huwag mo masyadong ipahalata to be safe.”

Pinilig ko ang ulo. Why would he buy me food? I would understand if he wants to buy for himself too but, these are all for me!

What's with that four-eyes? He's acting strangely friendly! Seryoso bang nakokonsensya na siya sa mga paghihirap na ginawa niya sa akin?

Whatever. Might as well enjoy these.

Patago kong kinain ang burger at gulaman. I can't help but to feel weird from Kenji’s actions. Para siyang may topak na tao.

Maybe, he felt bad from all of it. He probably starts to understand me, right?

Or maybe, not.

“I printed out my draft, Kenji, you can read it," I said.

It's Saturday again but this time, we have Ma'am Salvador to guide us.

Angeline and Carol were busy with the RRL so Ma'am Salvador helped them with it.

Lumapit ako sa table niya at nilapag doon. Nilingon kami saglit ni Tano ngunit agad ring nagpokus sa sariling gawain.

“This is the introduction, right?" he asked.

I nodded at him.

Bahagya akong napaatras nang mapagtantong masyado akong napalapit dahil nanuot sa ilong ko ang pabango niya.

It's quite nice.

Napahilamos siya sa kanyang mukha. "You changed the Statement of The Problem?"

Napanganga ako. “No. Why would I?"

Binasa ko itong muli.

“I just thought that it was grammatically incorrect so I just kind of change it."

“This is not a case study like what you're used to. There are specfic terms or sentence structures that is required. Binago mo kasi akala mo mali? No. It was supposed to be that way. At dahil nga binago mo, the meaning changed," pangaral niya sa akin.

“I bet you did that in other parts as well," he tsked. May bakas iyon ng pagka-irita.

There he is.

I bit my lip harshly. “I just did what I thought was right."

He nodded while surveying the paper. “And it turns out to be wrong. So, you have to do it again. Next time, you should ask para hindi tayo nag-aaksaya ng oras."


Kumunot ang noo ko. “Nag-aaksaya ng oras? This can easily be solved, Kenji, you're overreacting over a small thing."

Hindi siya sumagot kaya dumiretso na ako sa sarili kong pwesto at nagsimulang baguhin ang nilalaman.


@Amaya Lorelei Valdez, kailan mo balak pumunta? Pangalawang araw mo na toh na hindi kami sinisipot. Wag kang pa-importante.

Napapikit ako. Damn it, I forgot about this! May presentation kami sa PE at dahil araw-araw kami may pasok, the only time we get to discuss it face-to-face is on Satirdays which I don't have the time to spare.

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