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Stan pov:
I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm the time is 7:00 I hate having to get up this early for school it's actually gonna be the death or me one day
I throw on some baggy jeans and a baggy t-shirt along with a jacket oh and my suit underneath just incase anything happens I stare at myself in the mirror trying to figure out how to fix my messy asf hair after about five mins I eventually just decide to use Shelley's dry shampoo throw on my hat and call it a day
"TURD HURRY UP OR YOUR GONNA MISS THE BUS " Shelley screamed from downstairs
I didn't respond to her just ran down the stairs waved bye and ran to the bustop to see my friends mainly Kyle he's so beautiful NOT IN A GAY WAY THO TRUST
The guys were waiting for me at the bustop  Kenny was making out with butters well that's new but good for them
"HEY STAN "Kyle said as he practically jumped on me trying to hug me
"HEYYY "I say back
"You guys act so gay for each other it's wild" cartman stated
"Stfu fattass" Kyle says
After Kyle and cartman have there daily argument the bus finally arrives and we all cram on it I practically run to the back seats and sit down Kyle sits next to me I kinda just wanna be alone right now but I can make an acception for him , I put on my headphones and listen to the cure wasn't able to do that for long because the bus ride was only five minutes usually it's ten but who am I to complain I'm usually late to school anyway but today I was early so win for me ig
As we walked into school every one was whispering all about the same thing trying to guess who the mysterious 'Spider-Man' was non of them seemed to name me at all which I was happy about if anyone found out everyone I know and love would be targeted and I can't let that happen I can't let them have the consequences of my stupidness if my identity gets found out
  I think this chapters better idk

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