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Stan PoV

I wake up to the suprising loudness of South Park,well that's not normal it's usually dead quite this time in the morning guess I should take a look.nah.five more mins. Nearly fall asleep when I hear a loud bang followed by screaming. Okay I should definitely check that out rightg vnow. I get changed quickly and swing out the window grateful that Shelley won't be awake for awhile and I don't have school so no one should notice I'm not in the room.
The second I went outside it was commotion everywhere,people frantically running trying to get to safety,people trying to hide, and my personal least favourite is the people that think they are invincible and stand in the middle of what's going on.I scan over what's going on soon realising the cause of all this is no where to be seen..Tf
I go from person to person asking what happened but I get greeted by an array of 'I don't know' okay this is sketchy as fuck.omg I actually cannot be arsed with this today.I glide over the whole town trying to get the slightest glimpse of something or someone that's caused this when I see it. A tall lanky fully white figure with piercing black eyes and it holding someone....KYLE.NOPE NOOOO THIS UGLY THING IS NOT  KILLING KYLE NOT ON MY WATCH

Nobody PoV:
Stan hears Kyle screaming and immediately tries to think of a plan but nothing. He decides to just wing it and swoops in feet going straight into the creatures head causing it to fall and let out a gut wrenching scream that Stan was sure the whole world heard along with all this he dropped Kyle.Stan leaps to Kyle as fast as he can any later then..well yk.Stan put Kyle in the safest spot he could find and went back to deal with the thing. He grabbed the sharpest thing in eyesight and stabs the thing killing it almost instantly.when it died it frayed slowly into dust.Stan sprinted back over to Kyle

Stan PoV:
I run over to Kyle and check if he's hurt
"Hey you okay?"I mumble
He nods
I decide to carry him back to his house,so I pick him up and swing him to his home carefully opening the window, awkwardly trying to get get us through the window then placing him onto his bed since he fell asleep on the way here how I have no clue. I go and try fix some damage and get interviewed along my way.I realise it's about 11 and Shelley will wake up soon so I go sneak back into my house, getting changed and going back to sleep.

I fear I haven't updated this in a few weeks and this chapters rlly bad but I kinda needed to post something so yk this chapter is so cringe
Creatures name is Belinda

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