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Small story that I thought of while reading Dazai's No Longer Human

Also this shouldn't have any spoilers, it's a scenario that never happened in the BSD universe so...


From a young age I have loved to read. Starting with some of Signet's classics and diving into more classics, consuming such media as a young kid tended to isolate me from the other children. They called me weird and peculiar. I used to abhor going to school for that reason, until I realized that perhaps being surrounded by people would only further isolate me.

Being alone as a kid teaches you many things. One, how to read people and what makes them tick. While this may seem manipulative it was only in response to a sense of longing for friends and interaction. Which only served to weird people out even more. Two, to appreciate the silence. While it may seem weird, appreciating the silence, many adults struggle to appreciate the silence seeing it as awkward.

Which brings me to my current predicament. Being in Yokohama, Japan as a tourist, only to find myself locked in a jail cell for taking the train at the wrong time. Talk about bad luck. And to make matters worse someone stole one of my suitcases at the airport. Meaning I lost all of my books. Well, all except one, my heavily damaged copy of no longer human, that resided in my satchel (which the guards let me keep for some bizarre reason that I cannot fathom).

I bit back a sigh as I looked towards the bars for the nth time that hour.

"You know, staring at those bars isn't going to let you out." A cheerful voice called out, causing me to jolt slightly. I turned my head towards the man, he wore a tan trench coat, and upon closer inspection he seemed to be injured (judging by the bandages he wore).

"I know, I just cannot for the life of me understand why I have been locked up." I said, trying to keep the lingering irritation from my tone.

The other people in the cell seemed to perk up at my remark. A short ginger in particular seemed interested in my comment. "What do you mean?" He asked, making his way across the cell, standing a few steps away from the taller bandaged brunette. "Don't you have some sort of ability or something? That's why we are all here, they're gathering all of the ability users in Yokohama for some sort of elimination project or something." He continued, narrowing his eyes at me.

I stared at him for a moment, 'elimination project? This guy must have a screw loose, and 'abilities,' he's gotta be nuts.' I sighed, "Listen, I'm as confused as the next person. I got here a few hours ago, I'm here on vacation." I said, irritation lacing my tone at his accusatory gaze. "I was on the train at the wrong time, I guess." I said, shrugging my shoulders as I spoke. "Listen, I have no idea why we're all here, okay?" I finished, opting to look away from the duo in front of me and instead towards the bars once more.

I couldn't see it but my commentary brought glances my way. Many curious gazes wondering just who I was to get kidnapped by an anti-ability organization.

A new voice chimed in, "Chuuya, Dazai quit bothering our guest." I fixed my gaze to the source of the voice, a seemingly middle aged man with semi-long hair. 'So they do have names' I thought to myself, 'although it's quite peculiar, Chuuya and Dazai, like the authors?'

The shorted male—Chuuya—drew me out of my thoughts, giving the older male a small 'yes boss' giving me one last glance before he returned to the otherside of the cell. The taller brunette—Dazai—instead gave the male a smile that seemed to have the implication of an underlying threat. "Ah fine, fine Mori." He said darkly, glancing at me smiling cheerfully, as he made his way to sit next to me on the cell bench (much to my dismay).

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