Dazai's path: umarekawattara, anata o motto hayaku mitsukeru darō.

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I'd decided to go with the armed detective agency, deciding to go with someone whom I was more familiar with. And that person just so happened to be one Osamu Dazai. It took us but a few hours to fully exit what I had perceived as a jail (which was actually just some abandoned warehouse that an anti-ability organization had utilized). After we had escaped from the cell they held us in the larger group split into four smaller groups who I would later come to know as: the armed detective agency, the port mafia, the decay of angels, and the hunting dogs.

I later found out that the I went with the armed detective agency (whom Dazai was apart of) and that Chuuya (the shorted male) was apart of the Port Mafia (a rival organization to the ADA), while Fyodor was apart of a much darker organization, the Decay of Angels.

A few months after my bumpy arrival to Yokohama I have found myself working for the ADA alongside Dazai, Ranpo, Yosano and a few others. Many of the people here are really sweet and entertaining. Kunikida often scolded Dazai for his lack of work, while Ranpo would send me on snack runs with him.

In these months I've fallen into habit, making me not want to leave Yokohama so soon anymore. Especially when it means I'll have to leave my new friends and the city I've come to love. Not to mention that I'll have to leave a certain bandaged maniac.

"-n, Y-N" Dazai called sing-songedly causing me to tear my gaze away from the window looking out at the people below. "Yes, Dazai?" I asked, wondering what he could possibly want now, just minutes after Kunikida had yelled at him for neglecting his paperwork.

He stared at me for a few moment, a serious expression on his face before his expression briefly changed to one of being beaten, only for a moment though, before it was replaced by a cheerful goofy expression. "I must say, you're the most beautiful person I've had the luck of working with. Would you honor my deepest wishes and," He paused, his ears turning a shade a pink, "Commit double suicide with me?"

I let out a sigh, a small smile gracing my lips, "No, sorry not today Dazai." I said as I picked up some of my completed work to hand into the president.

Once I had entered the president's office Dazai leaned back in his chair, head pointed up towards the ceiling while covering his eyes with his arm (covering his blush). "Why can't I just ask them out?" he wondered in a quiet whisper to himself, quickly fixing his posture once he heard the click of the door opening, signaling that I was coming out.

Just as I came out, Ranpo beamed, "Hey, Y/n wanna go get snacks with me?" he asked, smiling goofily like a small child. Not being able to resist his charms, I obliged, "Sure Ranpo, allow me to put my papers away first." I said, returning his smile as I made my way over to my desk, putting the papers away.

As Ranpo and I made our way out of the ADA office Ranpo turned around, looking towards Dazai and mouthed something to him, 'coward,' which Dazai responded to with a callous glare. A glare that became even more pointed when Ranpo smiled evilly and grasped my hand, giving me a, "Let's go! I know of a great place to get snacks!!" as he dragged me out of the building, causing a smile to find its way to my lips.

After the hour-long excursion for snacks, Ranpo and I made our return, handing snacks to the various members of the ADA. As Ranpo retired to the couch to eat his snacks I made my way over to Dazai, placing a snack on his desk, drawing his attention away from his paperwork. "Ah, my dearest bookworm you shouldn't have," he said dramatically, picking up the bag and spinning around in his chair in joy, "I will cherish it!" He said, grinning at me.

"You do that, Dazai," I responded, feeling a smile appear on my face as I made my way to my own seat. Taking a deep breath I resumed my work on the paperwork before me. Soon, the sun sank in the sky, giving the agency office a golden glow. By this time everyone had made their way home, only Dazai and I remained. After fifteen more minutes of paperwork I decided to finally retire for the day. I turned my head towards Dazai, only to meet his eyes, 'oh gosh, how long had he been staring?' I wondered to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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