Chapter 1 shadows of the past

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Natalie gazed out of the taxi window, her mind a million miles away. She had just arrived from a long flight and was dreading the evening ahead. The taxi suddenly sputtered and died.

"Sorry, lady," the driver said, getting out to take a look. "I'll call for a tow. We'll get you there in no time."

But Natalie was already opening the door, grabbing her bag. "I'll walk. It's not far, and I could use the fresh air."

The driver looked concerned. "You sure, ma'am? It's getting dark."

"I'll be fine," Natalie assured him, already starting down the sidewalk.

Michael poured himself a glass of scotch, the amber liquid glugging into the crystal glass. He gazed out the window, the city skyline shimmering in the fading light of day. The sun's last rays cast a warm glow over the room, illuminating the luxurious furnishings. Soft jazz music drifted through the air, a subtle accompaniment to the evening's tranquility.

But outside, the streets of the upscale neighborhood were alive with the sounds of luxury cars and the hum of traffic. The distant rumble of a Porsche engine echoed through the air, punctuated by the occasional honk of a horn or the chatter of passersby.

As he raised the glass to his lips, he couldn't help but think about the dinner ahead. Michael's thoughts drifted to the family dinner at the Grey's estate, a grandiose mansion that reeked of old money and entitlement. He gritted his teeth, dreading the evening ahead. His brothers, Ryan and Ethan, would be there, always trying to one-up each other - and him - in their never-ending quest for their father's approval. The family business, Grey Enterprises, was a constant source of tension, with each brother vying for control, always scheming, always trying to undermine him. Their constant power struggles wore on him, a relentless drumbeat of tension.

Why couldn't they just leave him be? He was the one who had built the company into what it was today. But no, they always had to try and take what was his. He felt a familiar surge of annoyance, his mind racing with the endless games they played.

The phone on the couch buzzed, its vibration humming against the plush cushions. Michael sighed, setting his drink down on the coffee table. He strode across the room, his footsteps echoing off the marble floor.

"Michael Grey," he answered, his deep voice commanding attention.

The voice on the other end was urgent, his assistant's words spilling out in a rush. "Michael, you need to get ready for the dinner at the Grey estate. The car is waiting."

"Thanks, Sarah. I'm on my way," he replied.

Michael downed the last of his scotch, the liquor burning down his throat. He set the glass down, the crystal clinking against the table.

He grabbed his keys He turned back to the terrace, taking one last look at the city before heading into the lion's den. He headed out into the evening, the cool air enveloping him like a shroud.

As he drove through the city, the sounds of the evening grew louder.

The cool evening air was a welcome respite from the stifling plane. Natalie breathed deeply, trying to clear her head. But her thoughts were a jumbled mess - her family, her career, her life. She quickened her pace, needing to escape her own thoughts.

Just then, a sleek black car came speeding around the corner, swerving to avoid her. Natalie's heart skipped a beat as she leapt out of the way. The car screeched to a halt, and the window rolled down.

"Watch where you're going!" Michael barked, his face twisted in annoyance.

Natalie's temper flared. "You're the one who almost ran me over!"

Their eyes locked in a fierce stare-down, the tension between them palpable.

"You should be more careful!" Michael snapped, his eyes flashing with annoyance. "You're lucky I'm a good driver or you'd be roadkill!"

Natalie's mouth dropped open, her eyes wide with shock. "Excuse me? You're the one who almost hit me!"

But Michael didn't wait for a response. He hit the gas, and the car sped off, leaving Natalie standing there, stunned.

She watched as the car disappeared into the distance, her mind reeling. "What a jerk!" she muttered to herself. "Who does he think he is?"

Natalie shook her head, trying to process the encounter. She couldn't believe the audacity of some people. After a few moments, she took a deep breath and continued walking, her anger slowly giving way to a sense of unease.

As she walked, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had just encountered something sinister. Something that made her skin crawl.

As she approached her home, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was glad to be finally alone, away from the chaos of the evening. Little did she know, her night was only just beginning.

Natalie walked into her home, dropping her bag by the door. She took a deep breath, feeling the tension in her shoulders begin to ease. She was home, safe and sound.

After freshening up, she headed to the dinner at the Grey estate.

Natalie walked up the driveway, her heels clicking on the pavement. She was running late, and she knew it. She had hoped to slip in unnoticed, immediately she is struck by the opulence and grandeur of the grey estate. The room is filled with the who's who of high society, all dressed to the nines and sipping champagne. all eyes turned to her.

The room fell silent, and Natalie felt a flush rise to her cheeks. She knew she was a stranger to most of these people, and her late arrival had drawn unwanted attention.

Just as she was starting to feel like a spectacle, Alex appeared by her side, a charming smile on his face. "Hey, sorry I didn't meet you at the door," he said, kissing her cheek. "You look stunning, as always."

He hooked his arm through hers, and together they walked into the room, Alex nodding to his friends and associates as they passed. "Everyone, this is my wife, Natalie," he said, his voice loud enough to carry across the room. "She's a brilliant surgeon, and I'm the luckiest man alive to have her by my side."

The room erupted into applause and murmurs of congratulations, and Natalie felt a warmth spread through her chest. Maybe this evening wouldn't be so bad after all.

As they made their way through the crowd, Natalie caught sight of Michael, his eyes fixed on her with an unreadable expression. She felt a shiver run down her spine, but Alex's grip on her arm tightened, and he pulled her close.

"Don't look so nervous." he whispered. "Everyone here is like family."

Natalie smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Alex. Maybe, just maybe, this marriage of convenience was going to work out after all.

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