Chapter 17 - Bar

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"I hate you." Will murmured, following Max inside and just letting her do her thing.

Everybody else followed them in, Max ordering a drink for everybody and getting them all to sit down at a table together.

"Why are we even here? It's like, 6pm. . . We don't need to be drinking this early." Will frowned, very obviously uncomfortable.

"Because we all need to properly get to know each other." Max told him, "Now come on, have some alcohol and loosen up." Max grinned, Will sighing and just nodding slightly.

Everybody began talking as they drank, Will ignoring his drink and just staying silent since nobody was really making an effort to include him in the conversation. Mike looked over and saw him just sitting quietly, a small frown forming on his face.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you speaking?" He spoke quietly, not wanting to alert anybody else.

"I don't know. . . I tried to a few times and you all just ignored me." Will murmured.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Do you want me to go and grab you an actual drink? I can grab you some water or something?" He offered, Will nodding softly.

Mike asked him what he wanted and quickly got up, returning with a can of coke for him.

"You wanna go somewhere quieter? It's loud in here." Mike offered, Will smiling and nodding.

Will quickly excused the two of them and they went out to go and sit outside where nobody was as it was a bit chilly outside.

"Do you not like loud places?" Mike asked, Will shaking his head, "Yeah, I could see. To be honest I'm not really a big fan of loud places myself. I just deal with it because getting drunk is fun." He shrugged.

"Getting drunk is definitely not fun, I don't know how you enjoy it. Alcohol is disgusting." Will laughed softly.

"No it isn't!" Mike scoffed, "Well, I mean, some is, but still!" He scoffed.

"Whatever." Will giggled.

"You looked, um. . . uncomfortable in there. Like, very uncomfortable. What's going on?" He asked, genuinely seeming concerned.

"I just- I don't really like places that are loud and have lots of loud, drunk people. It's- um. . . It doesn't bring back nice memories." He sighed.

"Shit, sorry, I forgot. Ignore my questions, I ask the wrong things at the wrong times." Mike groaned.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean any harm." Will chuckled, shaking his head softly and smiling.

"Uh, if you don't wanna stay out here then you don't have to. . . I mean- I know you like drinking and, like, you know, actually having fun. I'm not exactly the most fun person ever, so. . ." Will gave Mike a small smile, Mike frowning as he heard Will.

"No, don't say that, I love being around you. You're fun." Mike frowned, genuinely seeming sad at Will's words, "I would rather stay here and keep you company then go back to those idiots in there." He scoffed, Will letting out a small giggle.

"Well, if you're sure." He smiled.

"I'm sure." Mike nodded.

The two continued to talk for a good few hour, drinking and telling each other about anything they could think of. After a while, Max came out to see where they were as they had been gone for what felt like forever.

"Guys, we thought you were just gonna come and sit down for like, ten minutes! It's been like, two and a half hours!" Max scoffed.

"God, sorry." Mike scoffed, "We'll come back in, just give us a few minutes." He told her.

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