Chapter Fifteen

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"Okay, so a few tips on how to deal with my familia," Camilla said as I parked my car in the driveway of her parent's house. The house was very homey and earthy, the perfect country house. "My brothers are the absolute worst, there wives are tireless gossips and my father will try and assert dominance even though there's no need. It's just that you're very muscular and you're wearing designer clothes so..."
"Show I have worn something else?" I asked as I took off my tie. I had taken off my suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of my grey button down before I started driving.
"No, no. You look absolutely perfect, annoyingly so actually."
"Gracias, hermosa," I said with a lazy smile.
"Uhm... let's get inside before my dad comes outside with a shotgun." 
I stepped out of the driver's seat before circling the car to help her out of the car. As her feet hit the ground, she looked up at me with a curious stare.
"Why are you doing this?" Her voice was so soft I almost didn't hear her.
"I wish I could answer that, but all reason usually disappears when I'm around you." I gently cupped her cheek. "So, we can say that you are the reason, and the only reason that matters."
She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. She cleared her throat and stepped back. "Shall we."
"Si." I stuck out my arm before she wrapped hers around it and we walked to the door.
She rang the doorbell and I could see the slight shaking of her hand.
"Càlmate, hermosa." I tried to keep my voice calming as possible.
The door swung open and a short woman with dark hair faced us. Her green eyes darted between us.
"Camilla, you didn't say you were bringing company," she said through curious smile.
"I told Mama about him," Camilla replied. "Lance, this is my sister-in-law Nina. May we come in?"
"Of course," she opened the door wider and we stepped into the house. The interior was just as homey as the exterior and the smells of delicious Mexican cuisine filled the air.
"Camilla," a bubbly blonde woman in a yellow sundress said as she ran up and hugged her. "It's been forever, I need all the details and... oh, hello."
"Camilla, es tu novio?" A dark skinned woman asked as she placed her arm around Camilla's shoulder.
"Sadly no, I guess I don't meet her standards," I said. "I'm gonna have to try harder."
"I like this one," the dark skinned woman said. "I'm Rina, and that walking cheese stick is Dia."
"Do not disrespect my favorite dress," Dia pouted.
"My sisters in law," Camilla said tiredly. "Girls, this is my friend Lance."
"It's a pleasure to meet one of Camilla's friends, other than Alejandro," Nina said.
"Or that little one who talks way too much," Rina said as she took a sip of her drink.
"Can we not judge my friends for once?" Camilla said dryly.
"Then find better friends," her mother said as she walked out of the kitchen. "Hola mija."
"Hola Mama," Camilla said before she hugged her mother.
"Who is this?" the heaviness of her mother's accent made her words almost impossible to understand.
"It's a pleasure señora, my name is Lance Sterling," I said before I gently kissed her mother's hand. "I convinced your daughter to let me come. I was just curious to meet the people responsible for raising a woman as exceptional as her. I hope I'm not intruding."
"Not at all," her mother's face lit up. "All the other men are outside, we'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."
"Gracias," I said before taking Camilla's hand. "Lead me there?"
"Si," Camilla said before we left the room. She waited until we were out of earshot until she spoke again. "Your charm needs to be studied."
I let out a laugh before we reached the door that led to the backyard. "I'll see you at dinner then."
"I'll call you if I need salvation." She walked back to the kitchen before I opened the door.
A group of older men, cigars in hand, sat on the sofas on the back porch. Camilla's brothers were by the pool table. Silence fell as the door closed behind me.
"Who's this bobo?" One of the older men said.
"Camilla's friend," Lucas replied focusing on his game.
"She has friends other than those two weirdos?" Another one of the older men said.
"Yes, she does," I replied walking to the couches. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm Lance Sterling."
I held out my hand and the face of my watch shined in the dim light. One of the men ogled it before he stood up and grabbed my hand.
"Bienvenido Mr. Sterling," he said violently shaking my hand.
"Please, call me Lance," I said, unable to escape his grip.
"Of course, sit, sit," he pulled me to the couch. "That's a nice watch."
"Thank you, it was my father's," I replied. It was the most expensive thing he owned and his prized possession. Wearing it made me feel closer to him.
"So, what do you do for work, Lance?" Camilla's father asked me. He was an intimidating man who stood proud with a stiff expression.
"I own a hotel," I replied, scratching the back of my neck. "Among other things. But that's the main source of my income."
"What hotel?" Manuel asked as he and his brothers watched us from the pool table.
"El Águilla," I replied.
"Wait, you own thee Águilla? One of the most powerful and luxurious hotel chains in the world? Diego asked. He worked at a travel company so of course he knew about it.
"So you're a billionaire?" Their father asked dryly. He was the only one unfazed by my news.
"How do you know our sister?" Manuel asked.
"She works for me," I replied. I felt like the questions would never end.
"Would it like a drink?"
"Is it really appropriate for you to date an employee?"
"How much do you make in a year?" 
"Papi?" Camilla's voice said by the door. She was in a white apron and her hair was tied into a bun.
"Niña! We were just asking your friend a few questions," the man next to me said slapping my my back. "Woah, do you work out."
Camilla walked over to us before she placed a kiss on her father's cheek.
"Hola mi vida," he replied softly. That was the first time I saw him smile.
"What are you doing here hermana?" Lucas asked.
"Running from your overbearing wives," Camilla replied. "And by the looks of it saving poor Lance from you guys."
"We were just asking him a few questions," her father said.
"Right," Camilla said.
"I'd actually prefer to join you in the kitchen," I said standing up. "Excuse me." I gestured at Camilla who followed me.
"You sure you wanna deal with them," she asked as we walked to the question.
"I'd take anything over your uncle asking me another question about my yearly income," I replied. "Ayy, I think he dislocated my shoulder."
Camilla laughed as we entered the kitchen. "If you say so."

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