Chapter 1: Their lives.

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I seriously am Gonna try to put my life into this book...So I will definitely Expect some good responses...Hope you guys will like this!


Arjun exhaled. He was watching the CCTV footages since the last 3 hours. And still he found no unusual activity.

Suddenly, a group of men...Well built muscular and carrying guns enter the house...After a well 20 minutes, They come out with a woman with them...Who is lying unconscious in their arms and they are holding her harshly.

Arjun's heart raced. He wanted to stop those men. He couldn't.

He wanted to save her but he couldn't.

He was free yet tied and bound with chains of helplessness.

A void. Some voids are left behind without even healing and they cause immense pain in the future.

He again zoomed on the men... Took a glance at the tatoo on their hands.


"Apna dhyaan rakhna Ar-Arjun. "

3 years to that incident...Yet he remembers these last words of her as clear as crystal.

After all he wasn't at fault. But at a point he started believing that it was his fault and began to punish himself for the crime he didn't even commit.

He started panting for breath. He was breathless all of a sudden. He drank water.

But the glass fell from his hands.

He chose to suffer. To relive the moment everyday which snatched away his everything in just a span of minutes.

The more he will suffer, the harder he will work to avenge her death.

But what he failed to notice, was the voids. After his rosh left him, his sole reason to live Or his Ikigai was to avenge Rosh's murder. But he never cared about his pain. He tend to ignore it always.

The voids left unfilled...He wanted someone, someone who could understand him more than him, someone who could make him smile, someone who can solely heal him and make him understand deal with his pain in a better way.

He definitely did but this thing couldn't get through his hard skull.

He was a proper "Dheeth".

His chain of thoughts by broken by a knock.

Arjun took a few seconds to calm himself down and opened the door.

" Arjun 5 baj rhe hain...tune aaj jogging par nahi jaana? " Karan spoke up but felt worried seeing him short of breath and covered with sweat all over.

"Nahi" Arjun barely spoke up. His throat didn't allow him to.

He knew he would break down any second so he closed the door leaving A perturbed Karan behind.

Even he got used to it after a certain period of time.

Ofcourse, After rosh, Arjun had just forgot to smile... He never even talked to him like he used to. He just gave short replies always.

All he wanted right now was Doraemon pocket and he will bring back his old arjun and his sister Roshni back.

Mamta Mukherjee was feeling anxious since the last night...So she decided to go to her daughter's room.

At 5 AM in the morning, Normally riya used to sleep in for an hour more...But today she woke up early.

Voids left behindWhere stories live. Discover now