13. Wolfsbane and Vampires

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It had been two days since the visit to the Muggles. Samara hadn't seen the Headmaster since then, and she was starting to wonder if there were any other tasks or responsibilities she should be attending to. She decided to take a look at the Potions Classroom, and made her way down to the dungeons.

The familiar surroundings brought back memories of her time at Hogwarts, and she navigated the corridors with ease. As she walked, she noticed the various paintings on the walls, their subjects chattering away. She had never been fond of these portraits - it unnerved her how they seemed to be living on, long after their subjects had passed. They were supposed to be dead.

The constant gossip and chatter was especially unsettling, reminding her of the whispers and judgments she had endured during her unhappy marriage. The paintings' eyes seemed to follow her, their voices growing louder and more insistent

She reached the cold dungeon floor, the familiar chill seeping into her bones. She sighed, resigning herself to the fact that this chilly space would be her teaching home for the next few years.

As she approached the wooden door, she noted its newness, likely a post-war replacement. She pushed it open to reveal rows of neatly arranged benches, a solitary table, and a side cupboard adorned with vials and flasks.

A cupboard lined with potion ingredients stood at the other end, and surprisingly, washbasins lined a corner, a practical addition. This was a far cry from Slughorn's time, when the room was cluttered and chaotic.

Samara walked to the connected study, where she had often approached Slughorn during exams. She unlocked and pushed the door open, expecting dust and soot, but found an impeccably clean room with numerous cupboards and a bookshelf crammed with books.

An even greater surprise awaited her: a cauldron bubbled away on a wide table in the center of the room. As she drew closer, she observed an impressive array of ingredients, meticulously cut and diced, arranged with precision around the cauldron. Just as she was trying to identify the potion, Severus Snape emerged from behind a hidden wall, a large box in hand.

"Uh... I didn't mean to startle you," Samara stuttered. "I was thinking I'd take a look at the classroom and office, check if anything needs... um, changes."

Snape cleared his throat and placed the box gently on the table. "Yes, I intended to familiarize you with the classroom and office. I've been using this as my private lab all these years. The office is on the other side of the classroom; I had it changed when I started teaching."

Samara's eyes widened in realization. "I wasn't aware of that. I apologize."

Snape's expression was unreadable."I'll show you the office," he said, leading the way out of the study. Samara followed, feeling a bit like a lost kitten, though she tried to compose herself.

"You also have a private study adjacent to your chambers," he added. "I'll arrange for the Hogwarts Curator to install doors connecting it to your study and the Hufflepuff common room." Samara nodded, grateful for the consideration.

As they entered the office, she was struck by its pleasant atmosphere. "Thank you, Headmaster," she said sincerely. "The classroom and office are exactly to my liking; I don't foresee any major changes."

Snape gave a curt nod, his expression unreadable. "Very well. I'll leave you to settle in. The other staff members will arrive on Monday."


As Samara departed after some time, her curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but wonder if Snape was still brewing his potion.

She was so close to deciphering its composition, and she detested leaving a puzzle unsolved. To her delight, she found him still engrossed in his work.

The Deputy Headmistress: A Severus Snape RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now