To Be A Guest

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The next morning Alice said that the family accepted her proposal to open up their click and she got permission to sit with me at lunch. I didn't know that their family operated as a small democratic community but if I take the fact that they are not a real family but immortal adults living as a comune then it made more sense.

To be honest it was a bit strange to think that they had lived centuries yet they decided to play teenagers just to be able to live in society. What is it if it’s not a sacrifice? I suppose it was worth it but personally I wouldn't repeat highschool after I finished. But I suppose vampires only work that way. If you live long enough the school system evidently changes to be a new challenge.

And boy these days were challenging. A downside of supernatural hearing is that you can’t really block out the ill intended gossip. Even if it were meant to stay behind my back I heard the hushed whisperings and cruel giggles from Lauren and Jessica. The new target Alice. They laughed at how strange she was, and how delusional she was thinking that she could just walk up to us and we would forget all of her weirdness.

I mean what is wrong with her weirdness? Everyone has their own querk. Aside from the fact that she was a vampire, she is a kind and good friend. Why do they have to judge her when they aren't better? Of course I knew the answer. Because they were the Cullens. The handsome and pretty new kids whose charm was unbeatable.

Because of this in a way I expected Nora and Ana to flip out when they saw that Alice approached our table but my assumptions were incorrect. Even if they gaped like a fish in a tank they opened up easily. Alice was talking and joking with them like she was always a part of our group.

The topic was mainly the Spring Dance that will happen this saturday. We talked about which dress each one of us would wear and where they found them. As I got to know Nora decided on a pink stretchy one which in her description was pretty short. As she put it, it will bring out her inner beauty. I didn't dare to question that by inner beauty she means exposing her own body? Nonetheless Alice thinks it would suit her well.

Ana choosed a more solid solution. A gray ankle length dress with small silver sparkles. She showed a picture about it and damn that one looked good. I asked her where she got it and she told us she inherited it from her older sister who was in university. In the end I was the only one who didn't have a dress and it was Thursday already.

“You should come over after school. I had prepared a few options that you might like.” Alice offered as we walked to our class.

“And the family would allow it?” I asked but in truth I meant only Rosalie.

“They did. This time I asked beforehand and Esme said: You are welcome at any time.” She told me.

“So how would this go? Edward drops Bella home with the truck and we go with your siblings?” I asked as we sat at our desk.

“No. We are going with the truck and Edward drives his car.”

“But the truck has to be home when Charlie comes. Will we have enough time to beat him?” I turned to her.

“No.” She stated simply in her usual singsong voice.

“No?” I raised my eyebrow.

“Edward is going to drive Bella home. Charlie will be early today and he will see that Bella had a drive. He will ask why that is and Bella has to tell him on her own that you are staying with us choosing a dress and she is on good enough terms with Edward to drive her home.” Alice revealed.

At first I didn't find the right words. I don't have to be a snitch to reveal that she is dating him because she has to tell Charlie anyway. They could avoid it of course if Alice would tell them as she just told me but she wouldn't. She planned this out on purpose so the fatherly strictness could be another warning sign for Edward.

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