ii. pretender

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chapter two - the places you have come to fear the mostseason one episode two

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chapter two - the places you have come
to fear the most
season one episode two

❝it was not over me so whoever
told you that worded it completely wrong❞

"So that's the boy who beat Nathan?" Brooke asked as she leaned over to Peyton and Maddie. The basketball team were warming up for there game whilst the cheerleaders stood of on the sidelines. Peyton nodded whilst Brooke smirked to herself, "well he's got a good behind."

"Seriously Brooke?" Maddie laughed as she slapped her bestfriend on the arm with her pomp pomp.

As the game started, Lucas was doing terrible for his first game, Nathan went to pass his brother the ball but instead he missed it and it almost hit the Sawyer girl instead.

"Nice hands" Peyton said with a harsh glare aimed at Lucas. "Nice legs" He replied with a smirk as he ran back onto the court.

The strawberry blonde covered her mouth as she began snickering, "what?" Peyton asked as she noticed the uncontrollable laughter coming from her friend.

"I think number 3's got a crush on you" she laughed before she went back to cheering the ravens on.


The next day, Maddie was sat next to Logan in class as the teacher spoke about Hemingway.

"Peyton, describe Lucas using just one word" he asked as everyone including Maddie turned to look at her, "choke"

"Lucas, describe Madeline in one word" he then asked making the strawberry blondes head snap up as Lucas turned to look at her, "pretender."

"Man what's your problem?" Logan shouted before Maddie slapped him, "calm down" she whispered, the last thing she needed was a fight be caused because of her.

Nathan then raised his hand, "yes Nathan." The teacher said giving him the okay to speak, "I can describe Lucas in one word, bastard."

Before Maddie even got a second to realise what Nathan had just done for her, Lucas threw himself at his brother and the two began fighting.

So much for not having a fight being caused because of her, she thought to herself.


"Bestfriend!" The familiar voice of Brooke Davis shouted as she walked into Maddies room. Maddie spun around on her chair, "hey B Davis" she smiled as Brooke sat on her bed.

"What's this I hear that the Scott brothers got in a fight over you?"

"It was not over me so whoever told you that worded it completely wrong" she laughed as she carried on fiddling with her camera, "so then what happened?"

"Lucas called me a pretender, Nathan called Lucas a bastard. Boom, bar fight" she said as she clapped her hands together as she said boom.

"So Nathan was defending you?" Maddie silently groaned as she knew what Brooke was getting at, "god please Brooke not this again."

"I didn't say anything!" She gasped, "but I knew what you wanted to say."

"That's why we're destined to be bestfriends, you can read my mind." Brooke smiled as she grabbed the camera, "hey!"

"Smile!" She exclaimed as she took a picture of Maddie whilst the strawberry blonde glared at her.

"Stop you look like Peyton" the brunette said as Maddie just laughed to herself.


After the game finished, Maddie found herself running after Nathan, "Scott!" She shouted as he finally turned around.

"Hey mads" he said making the girl smile, out of everyone she knew he was the only to ever call her mads.

"Why did you call Lucas a bastard?" She asked wanting to get straight to the point, "because he called you a pretender" he then answered as if it was obvious.

"Well you didn't have to, but thank you" she smiled as she awkwardly scuffed her foot on the path, "do you want a ride?"

"Yes please" she said as nathan just laughed and the two made their way to his car, unaware to who was watching them.

"Twenty bucks say there together by the end of the year" Logan said as Brooke turned to face him, "fifty bucks say there together by the end of the season."

The Marin boy just smirked as the two shook hands, "your on Davis"

The Marin boy just smirked as the two shook hands, "your on Davis"

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a/n: this chapter is so short omg i'm so sorry

logan and brooke aka number one naddie shippers!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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