Meeting Vox Machina

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Elenwe's POV

Elros, Storm, Flamewing and I were flying in the sky together on another one of our jobs. There were a pack of Gnolls raiding small villages and killing them. We had a strong dislike for those hyena-like beings that had killed our familiars' parents, but if they hadn't, we wouldn't have gotten them I suppose. And after we deal with that, we have to protect a caravan from goblins.

"Why is it whenever we get a job about Gnolls, or Goblins, they're either raiding villages or killing innocent people or both?" my brother asks and I shrug as best as I can while flying.

"Your guess is as good as mine, brother," I reply before we keep flying for a while. It's a good thing the four of us have great stamina so we can fly for long periods of time. We keep flying until we see the sun starting to go down.

"We better land to camp for the night," he says and I nod in agreement as we look for a suitable clearing from the air. We soon find a pretty big one that could hold a lot more than two dragon half elves, a hippogriff and a griffin. It looks like it could hold a herd of Goliaths in my opinion and we dive towards it, we land and we scout to make sure it was safe for use.

"I'll gather us some firewood sister, you go see if you can get us some dinner," he says and I nod, knowing I'd need two to three big game to feed all of us, maybe four to be safe. We could always turn what we don't use into rations. We then split up, him going for firewood as I go look for that herd of elk I saw earlier. I soon find them and since i was flying, I can fire at them from up here and not scare them too much. I prepare four arrows, firing them in rapid succession and I hit two elk in the neck and two in the heart, the rest of the herd panics and runs as I fly down. I then go dragon form and pick up the elks to put on my back to take them to camp to prepare them. 

"Good haul sister!" He says as I toss two elks to Flamewing and Storm for them to eat. The two drag their meals away from us and begin ripping into their meals with savagry, using their beaks to rip off chunks of meat to swallow whole. I get to work preparing our elks for cooking and preserving the cooked meat once it is cooked. My brother makes a good sized camp fire and makes two large spits to roast the elks on. But as we wait for our dinners to cook, I hear something, it was so quiet I almost missed it and judging by how my brother flicked his own ear like he was shooing away a bug with it, he heard it too. I slowly reach for an arrow in my quiver while gripping my bow and he slowly reaches for his scimitars. We then get ready to defend ourselves from whoever or whatever it is.

"Step into the light, now!" I say, my brother and I ready to defend each other if need be. But then two figures step out, both of them were half elves, twins I'm guessing just like my brother and I. The woman motions behind her and the rest of their party comes out, an armored bear, two Gnomes, one a cleric, the other a Bard, an Air Ashari and a Goliath. My brother and I exchange glances with each other, this wasn't the weirdest party we've ever seen nor the most diverse in species, but it was still odd to us.

"Who are you?" My brother asks as we look at these people, lowering our weapons only slightly since they aren't pointing theirs at us.

"I'm Vax'ildan," Vax'ildan says, making my brother and i glance at each other before looking at the group again.

"I'm his twin Vex'halia," his sister says.

"We could kinda tell," I admit with a sheepish grin.

"Since my sister and I are twins as well," my brother agrees with a similar sheepish grin.

"This is Trinket," Vex'halia says as she motions to the bear.

"The griffin is my familiar Flamewing," my brother introduces his griffin who was still eating his elk.

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