Courtship Petition

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 "My parents will never give permission! You saw all my memories, too, didn't you?" Tears burned behind my eyes.

Adia shook her head. "I would not invade your privacy so!"

"But, I want you to see! That's not invasion of privacy because I'm asking for help."

Ryee smiled. "If I put my hands on your head, you may think of whatever you wish us to see, and I can share these memories. In this way, we collect telepathic evidence for TS Inspectors, to keep our trade honest." I already knew. He's Zheien. They are all honest and never break laws. Memories kept coming.

Mom throws away my stuff, things she knows I want badly, to hurt me. Criticizes me constantly. Dad doesn't try very hard to get her to stop. My best friend Angel keeps whatever she wants in her room, and her parents do not mind if she has stuff in other rooms. They display her school projects everywhere. My mom ruins them or they vanish. I thought about that gallon of milk. It was yellow, so I know she left it out all night.

Ryee brought up a telepathic display. Mom's pouring that spoiled milk all over my bed, right now! I smelled that milk and felt sick, but he ran a prog to port all my stuff to a cube. He left duplicates, so she won't know. I felt a little better. He didn't show Adia, but he'll tell her later. She gets upset.

Then he brought a lawyer for me! The green glow didn't startle me at all. I kept remembering things from that other future.

This fella had blonde hair and blue eyes. Smiled. He offered his hand, and I shook it. "Hallo, I am Tan Links. I saw all your memories, and I have been studying Earthan laws of the United States, Georgia and all counties of metro Atlanta. You still have a bank account from your summer job last summer with most of your earnings. You are in a very accelerated school program with college credits and high grades. Our problem is your young age. Georgia stipulates that a minor must be 16 to be emancipated.

"Your father worries that you will become pregnant, being around older boys. What if we used his fear to our advantage? You will marry Binneas. If they offered for you to live with them, that fear might sway them. Your parents might agree to your marriage, and we must ask a juvenile court judge to allow it. Then you will be an emancipated minor, with most rights of a US Citizen of legal age. Mississippi needs a form signed by a parent, in the presence of a notary." He paused to let me think about that. How I'd get either of them to go that far--

My stomach hurt. "Oh, I dread what my father will say! If he saw me with Greg Wenh Cet, my neighbor, he would be accusing him of things. He teaches chemistry at GSU and helps me with my college chemistry homework. Lets me take his lab and do marathon sessions on teacher workdays. He comes to the Bruces often, they're right there, and I ask him things then." With a smile, I pointed behind them. Deb's car is in the driveway. She's finishing up grad school this year and still lives at home. The front door opened. Mrs. Bruce walked to the mailbox. She didn't notice us.

"But I could get on with my life. That might work. Mom would never get over the shame of it, and she might agree. Do you think Binneas would want to pose as my naughty 'boyfriend'? Especially if he was rich. All Mom thinks about is the next expensive item she wants. Oh, my." I smiled bigger.

"Let us ask him." Ryee looked towards the end of the sidewalk and he ported to us. He bowed to me. Oh, my, he's handsome. Blonde curls, yellow-green eyes, friendly smile. A head taller than me and a good bit wider, but not a bit overweight. Muscular, but most Zheien are. "I shall be happy to pose as your 'naughty' boyfriend!"

We both giggled. "You're going to be my husband, IRL! Now that I know Zheien don't get naughty, I'll let you be romantic."

His happiness tingled on us and we laughed harder! "This pleases you, that I am nae naughty, then?"

"Very much! I don't approve of what my parents do. They embarrass me by how they carry on in front of me! Love Angel's religion and the Zheien Religion is very much like it, because you have temples to get married forever!" Mia taught me about it for months in that other future, and I wasn't listening. I am, now! I know what I finally decided about it, at 30.

Binneas gracefully dropped to one knee. Took my right hand. Oh, my heart pounded! I felt all that love for him, that I had when I married him! But, his hand's cold.

"Molly Bradford Brown, Student Of Earth, I love you already! I, Binneas, Diplomat Of Fhiah, wish to ask you to join with me in this Petition of Courtship, a time of hardship and delight, to test our love. By the Ancient Protocols of Fhiah and Zhea~, will you agree to court me, Molly?"

"Yes! I, Molly Bradford Brown, Student of Earth, do wish to court you, Binneas, Diplomat of Fhiah, by the Ancient Protocols of Fhiah and Zhea~! I am very happy today, my love!" I looked away and my face burned. Held his hand lightly as Mia, a master healer, coached me in those memories. Why was I so stupid then? Romance isn't bad, just because my parents don't stay faithful. Zheien don't have sex. They don't even take their clothes off. Ever.

Binneas let go of my hand. Ryee steadied him. If he gets sick, he'll have to marry me or he'll die! "Ben, you okay?" I smelled a bit of licorice in the breeze. Zheien sweat smells like that!

"O, I am happiness! I am much more than okay!" I worried. His orange skin was white as mine, without the freckles. Ryee didn't smile. He waved, and I wore an engagement ring, a diamond in the center with a rainbow of stones around it! Oh, it sparkled! The metal was Tessite, like gold, but it makes you feel strong! I had a matching necklace and felt earrings. I'd never been one for fashion, but I felt like a princess, and this dainty ring is just perfect!

I smiled bigger than ever! "I am, too! Never knew falling in love could be so much fun! Ben, love the jewelry! I'll think about Rainbow and us every time I see it!"

He smiled, big.

From across the street, quick footsteps startled us. Greg Wenh Cet and Deb smiled at me. My good neighbors. Deb spoke first. "Molly! You have a boyfriend?" She always looks elegant, but today, it's her green Grady scrubs. Her blond waves were short and framed her round face. Always trying to diet. Why are they up so early? Her mother looked this way and stuffed a bunch of mail in her coat pocket.

Greg had a sweater vest in off-white with a tan blazer and navy trousers and belt. Matching navy loafers, too? He could do a Gap ad. Same color hair, same length as hers. But, he's very thin, like his bro.

Ryee pulled Ben to his feet and sent discreet healing. I could tell because his orange color came back a little.

I giggled. "I'm in love! Y'all, this is Ben Nias."

"I'm Greg Wenh Cet and this is Deborah Bruce. I am just visiting, but her parents and her live behind us. They will be happy for you also, Molly!"

"What's going to make us happy? Did you propose, Greg?" Deb's mother ran up. Mrs. Bruce is dressed for work in her mid navy skirt and blazer with a white button shirt. No jewelry but her silver and diamond wedding ring. Now Deb has an engagement ring in pink gold? Didn't know they made pink! She looks so happy! Do I look radiant like that? She's in her pea green Grady scrubs.

He paled. "I did. We are engaged. Tonight we shall celebrate with dinner at Papa's." Inside, I jumped for joy! He listened to me! They've been dating for five long years.

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