Shocking Welcome

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 "Do you know many Homereans came to us? One showed Leader Homerean how you befriended Nufera and gave her a place in your government. They have nae names so he goes by this. He agreed to send all of his soldiers that he refused to send to D'gharr!"

"Gosh, doesn't that make you nervous?" Nufera made Ron drunk until I asked her to cure his cravings, then she did.

My friend laughed. "O, they learned from that memory why we fear to be alone with them, and they all agreed nae to share their substances with us. You must understand, this is how they communicate with one another, and between themselves, is nae intoxication. Now they are more careful. Pirad taught Nufera what she learned from you in Rainbow, and now she agreed to teach students. Pirad found 8 this evening who can make herbs for many species. One learned Xchou healing."

That cheered me up! When Ket came to Rainbow with the Yeff, he complained that he didn't have a student for Xchou healing. He taught a lot of people Elshar healing, but I needed Xchou healers worse. V'chsan MarKu needs 'em! "But I didn't teach her. Forsay did."

"Forsay saw his future and showed Lut. Those memories of when you taught Nufera healing, you asked her to listen to Forsay because he knew herbs and effects. But you encouraged her to learn from him. You told her she could learn."

"Well, I told her students that, too, but none of them could learn what she did."

"Perhaps is a skill nae everyone can learn. Nae everyone can bear to be thrown, as Fhiah, Fhai's skilled ones do."

I nodded. MarKu doesn't throw people?

Ben smirked. Fhai is the only prov of Fhiah that does this. Each prov has a skill that none other has! I hugged my husband.

They brought the riding animals, and all the Zheien smiled. Pas carried Jog Sa out. Oh, another of Pas' cloned brothers. Pie and Adelle went to Elshar Zheiea.

Pie came running with his wife! She's blue? "O, Jog! All of MarKu wept, when you and your family nae returned!"

He cried. "I nae ever wished to cause such unhappiness!"

"Nae this sorrow. We are happy to have you home!" Pie hugged him.

"Am I like? Ejis faea naea, are my progs like? I know secrets, my liege, and I fear to even think!" His fa hugged him. All three of 'em shook!

Goe trembled. "Pie, he needs to report to me! What shall we do? Fa only took one report from a scientist once!"

"Fear nae. Tam, come with us. We shall teach Jog, as you taught students, eae?"

She gave a smile. "I can help you, Jog. Are you unwell from travel?"

He cried! "I wish nae ever to be on a ship again!"

Pie lifted him. "Be calm, my son. Here is home. Smell the flowers?" His wife put a bundle in his arms. That got a smile. It'll take time for him to feel safe, especially after such a rough ride!

Healers came and carried everyone out.

Above us, I saw Mother and Babe. Every Zheien colony has this constellation, even if they only have two stars in the sky. Here, like on Alb Seer, we had about 22. Instead of one moon, we had five, all diff colors. Pretty!

Goe and all his bae went to the indigo blue palace. It had carved ferrisnae on the doors holding rings in their mouths. Ben pointed them out. They're going in there because Kings Houses always have merite walls in their offices.

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