Dossiers: Dallas Carson

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Name: Dallas Carson
Age: 17
Birthday: February 25th
Gender: Male
District: 10
Height: 5'11
Weight: 160 Lbs
Relationship Status: Single (For Now...)
Relatives: Jenny Bleeder (F) (Alive) (Mother) Bronco Carson (M) (Alive) (Father) Ellis Carson (M) (Alive) (Brother) Fawn Horseshoe (F) (Alive) (Sister-in-law) Sally Carson (M) (Alive) (Sister) Avis Carson (F) (Sister) (Dead) Stephen Bleeder (M) (Dead)(Cousin) Nadja Bullock (F) (Dead) (Cousin) Twix Bleeder (F) (Alive) (Aunt) Chuck Bullock (M) (Alive) (Uncle) Bessie Stagg (F) (Dead) (Aunt) Tobe Bleeder (Nothing to do with Tobe Looper) (M) (Dead) (Uncle)
Occupation: Slaughter
Hobby: Cooking
Title: The Rat
Fate: Alive
Popularity: High
Threat Level: Harmless?
Mentor: Casco Astriana (Victor of the 98th)
Mentoring Style: Unassertive (A victor who cares for their Tribute and tries to help them, but doesn't "fight" for it, is not as dedicated, accepts the situation they are provided, and will not actively try to change their tribute's fate)
Faceclaim: Nick Romeo Reimann
Song: I Think I Smell A Rat - The White Stripes 
Created by: Gamemaker Raposa (Panem Academy)

Background: Dallas Carson was born on February 25th 97', he was the second oldest of Jenny Bleeder and Bronco Carson, just 6 years younger than Ellis, he would later have a cousin named Stephen Bleeder, who was 1 year younger than him, and another cousin named Nadja Bullock who was 2 years younger than him, and twin sisters named Sally and Avis who were 4 years younger than him.

His family was poor but had some money, but Dallas was a kind and gentle soul, when he was 15 just after the District 10 Reaping Games he would get asked out by the Mayor's Daughter Marany Suzuki, he said yes, but he would describe this to his mentor Casco Astriana, "As the most painful relationship he had been on," he told him that she just used him for pleasure and cheated on him, he broke up with her just before the 101st Hunger Games, to which she rigged to reaping to get back at him, she would also rig the reaping to the 102nd Hunger Games.

Threat Control: He might be harmless or extremely dangerous, it depends on whether you believe he is innocent or not, but either way, he may be a threat so keep an eye on him.

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