8. 5 Years, 2 Months, 14 Days

70 6 1

Kid Ritz: "Ven, you are not helpless. My job is to help you. For me to do that, you need to talk."

Ven: "I'll... do my best."

Kid Ritz: "Good! That's all I ask of you."

I nod, feeling antsy.

Kid Ritz: "Who did you go to the party with?"

Ven: "I... I'd get in trouble if I told you."

Kid Ritz: "You won't."

My stomach sinks. I would. There's no way Dom wouldn't hunt me down... or have one of his men do it.

Ven: "If I tell you... I'm at serious risk of... being dealt with."

Kid Ritz: "Then it's even more important you tell me."

I shake my head, scared to death.

Kid Ritz: "Ok, how about this; did you come with a boy or a girl?"

Ven: "My... my boyfriend."

Shit... I've said too much.

Ven: "I've said too much!"

Kid Ritz: "No, Ven, you haven't."

I feel tears prick my eyes. I try blinking them away, but I can't stop the tears from flooding.

Kid Ritz: "Woah, Ven, it's ok."

I hear him get up, then sense him standing next to me. I have no idea why I'm so emotional... it's so taxing.

I see him reach his hand out towards me. I use my arm to wipe my tears, then hook my finger onto his.

He rubs my shoulder, his comforting touch gently getting me to relax.

Kid Ritz: "You're so upset, sweet- Ven."

He catches himself, and my heart smashes into a billion pieces. He was going to call me sweetheart.

I wish Dom would call me cute or sweet or sweetheart. He doesn't. He calls me babe, baby, it's gross.

I blink, seeing I've stopped crying and I'm just holding Kid Ritz's finger.

I let go, feeling all out of sorts.

Ven: "I'm sorry. I don't know what is wrong with me. Well, there's a lot, but... that's not your problem."

Kid Ritz kneels so that he's at eye level with me.

Kid Ritz: "It is all my problem. Veneer, you and your boyfriend were arrested at the biggest drug dealer bust of the century. Can you see that I have a serious need to get to the bottom of this? Can... you see why this matters so much? Why you should be doing everything in your power to save yourself? This isn't a take one for the team situation; you could end up with life in prison, solitary confinement, death row. Ven... this matters... and I need you to understand the stakes."

What he says sinks in hard. He's... he's right. He's giving me a chance to come clean... I guess I should take it. If it backfires and... I'm taken out... I'll go with a clear conscience. That's better than a stained one.

Ven: "Ok."

Kid Ritz: "You understand?"

Ven: "Yes. I'll talk."

Kid Ritz nods and sits back down.

Kid Ritz: "Who is your boyfriend?"

Ven: "It's... Dom."

His eyes widen as he blinks at me.

Kid Ritz: "Dom?"

I nod, watching as he writes that down.

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