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THE AIR AROUND had been set to an absolute zero just moments before. There were still a few crystallized snowflakes falling from the top of the now disappearing domain.

All ice within the battle arena was also slowly melting away, despite the ice being almost impossible to melt. The reason for that was that the [h/c]-haired girl was completely done for.

Although she managed to win the battle against Bacchus, she didn't go out of the fight unharmed.

And the moment you finally fell to the ground, loud screaming erupted. You couldn't decipher what exactly was being said or what exactly was going on, after all, your senses were as low as you completely losing them.

It was due to your last attack, your maximum attack that you didn't even perfect or trained with enough. And it being like that had gotten you into serious trouble as you had taken an awful amount of damage.

You were awake, still conscious, however you were on the verge of passing out. The thing was though, you couldn't pass out and that was something that led you to still feeling excruciating pain. One thing was on your side that you had taken something positive out of thought, and that was the fact that the more time was passing the more you felt your body going numb.

The pain was unbearable.

Furthermore, the cold had gotten to you as well.

There was something about your ice magic that made it awfully dangerous. The cold itself wasn't something that could be used against you as you grew up in a cold environment and had the power of the Ice Dragon Slayer. You had the control over ice and the cold just perfect, but it were the attacks and aftereffects of some of your usage of magic attacks that could lead to life threatening injuries.

The more powerful the attack was, the worse your body would suffer.

And your attack 'Absolute Zero' was a great example of you suffering under its effects. The magic spell 'Absolute Zero' would lead you to use a huge amount of magic that would be a major disadvantage for one. And for two: The physical side effects were written big. It all had to do with how big your attack was or how much of magic outage there was, but the main problems were you having to deal with numbness, a frostbite, or even hypothermia — eventually leading to your inner body and organs to freeze and collapse.

Fortunately for you, you hadn't trained enough for your attack to lead to even more damage and destruction, and so, you currently were only battling numbness and an extraordinary frostbite.

Just having been said, you currently were fighting the loss of your senses as your vision was nothing but a blurry mess, your hearing being a dull noise, and your body being too cold to handle.

"(Y/n)!" Setsuya was now falling into a great panic, shooting out his wings and immediately flying towards your figure on the ground.

And not only Setsuya was trying to get to you, Natsu had jumped into the arena and ran towards you as well.

"Natsu, you need to warm her body!"

Nodding at Setsuya's proclamation, Natsu sprinted towards you and immediately picked you up.

Not even wasting any more seconds, he carried you bridal-style towards the exit, looking into your eyes that slowly began to close further and further.

"(Y/n), can you hear me? You cannot fall asleep, okay?" Natsu looked at your face that was paling more and more.

Your body was too cold to be true.

Natsu was panicking, just like how Setsuya had tears forming in his eyes as he laid on your body, trying to warm you with his fur.

He knew he couldn't do anything, but the little Exceed was trying to think optimistically.

You tried to be awake and conscious as best as you could, but it was getting harder and harder as your surroundings were getting more blurry and you felt your body go completely numb. You couldn't even feel any pain anymore.

Natsu tried to run as fast as he possibly could to bring you to the hospital room.

"Natsu.. I told her to not use this spell!" Setsuya's mouth quivered. "I don't want her to die!"

"Setsuya, she won't die. (Y/n) just has to take a break, but she one hundred percent won't die, don't worry."

It was clear to everyone that you won't die.

The main problem with you was that you had countless of open wounds and the cold state your body was in due to your magic.

If only you had trained properly..

Time had passed and you were on the way of recovery as you laid on the hospital bed whilst you were asleep. Well, after having fought so long to stay awake, you some time had fallen unconscious.

And in that state you had stayed in.

Multiple hours had passed and you yet had to wake up. Your guild had continuously checked up on you and your state, even having Wendy and Porlyusica having to heal you and provide you with medicine.

After you had won your battle, two more fights had been fought with Fairy Tail's Mira Jane Strauss fighting against Blue Pegasus' Jenny Realight. Fairy Tail had taken the win, winning ten points.

That battle had continued with another round of elimination between Sabertooth's Yukino Agria and Mermaid Heel's Kagura Mikazuchi, with both of them putting their lives on wager. Mermaid Heel had won the battle, also winning ten points for their guild.

So with that, the second day of the tournament had come to an end.

Well, it didn't exactly end for Fairy Tail with Natsu having raided Sabertooth's guild and starting a fight with their guild master due to them having kicked out Yukino, because of losing her battle.

But that was another story to tell.

During your stay at the hospital room, Setsuya hadn't left your side even for a minute. It was almost like as if he was glued to your body.

The little snow leopard had been in constant fear for you.

There hadn't passed a single minute where he wouldn't think about any possibility of you not waking up anymore. Sure, Setsuya knew that you were strong and could handle a lot more, but having casted this spell was something that made his mind fall into panic mode.

He was glad that at least you hadn't casted any other spells that might lead you to death, because he surely knew that this was only the beginning.

Just now your mind of power had awakened.

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