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TIME HAD PASSED and the end of the tournament of the Grand Magic Games had been confirmed, with its winner being Fairy Tail.

Everyone had time to get treated and healed as best as they possibly could.

But it wasn't enough time.

Every single guild had been gathered outside, talking, celebrating and enjoying each other's company. The city was packed full as the stars above them shone brightly and divine.

But you couldn't help but to stay nervous.

There was something lingering in the air that made you break out in a sweat. Your heart couldn't stay calm in its beats as it began almost palpitating into a mess.

"Setsuya.." You held your head as you mumbled under your breath, trying to find the little snow leopard between the people around you. You were pushing yourself through the crowds, muttering apologies here and there for stepping on someone's foot or having pushed them by accident.

Something was wrong. Very wrong.

Your ears almost felt like bleeding as a scream began erupting. However, it seemed like that only you were hearing it as everyone else continued acting like as if nothing was wrong.

The scream wasn't clear, it was a distant and dull noise that began growing in its loudness and volume.


You needed him. He was the only one being able to help you and calm you down due to your current condition being not the first time to happen.

It was only until you managed to walk into someone directly that you were stopped.

"Sorry." You apologized sloppily and tried to leave the scene, only for a hand to grab your arm and pull you back.

"Are you okay?"

Turning your head, you proceeded to come in sight with a blonde-haired male.

You remembered him from the games.

You may be mistaken, but you were pretty sure that his name was Rufus or something like that. His magic was fascinating to you, and that was exactly to why you remembered him.

"I'm fine.."

"You don't look that okay to me."

Groaning, you raked a hand through your hair and looked at the male anxiously. "Do you happen to see a small snow leopard? An Exceed more specifically."

"A snow leopard.."

"Yeah, I need to find him as soon as possible."

Rufus began thinking for a few moments. Not even a few seconds later you came to notice his eyes slowly widen and almost shine in realization.

The blonde slowly took your hand and gently pulled you with him.

And as you were being pulled for what felt like hours, you finally came in sight with familiar faces. It was Sabertooth.

"Do you happen to mean this little snow leopard?" Rufus let your hand go and pointed towards something.

It indeed was Setsuya.

Together with Frosch and Lector.

Now that was a sight you didn't think you would ever come across.

But you couldn't help but to feel your heart open and chest slightly tighten. Setsuya was looking so happy and content as he was playing with the two Exceeds from Sabertooth.

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