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The word Nafisat said kept ringing in my head like I never heard someone say those certain words to me before.

"Why?" I ask.

"Do you wish me dead?" (Actually I don't but) "Look there's a lot going on. Your stupid cops thing can do nothing here okay? " ( Did she just call what I do stupid this is more heartbreaking than the fact that she was keeping secrets from me.)

"After Nathan died...... "( This is interesting!) "The group has scattered. If you know you don't want to die then back off."

"What group?" I asked softly so she can remain in the trap.

" The founders group. Our great grandparents started the group. Its hereditary. The group is....... Jane I have said too much. Promise me no one would know. Don't bother about who killed Nathan or what is happening. Mind your business so you can graduate." Nafisat said and she left.

I left Nafisat's room and walked over to the Junior's block for the gossip night or whatever it is called.  I passed the school's field because it was shorter. I saw Andrew at the field and yes you guessed it, Emma was with him but I think I came in at the wrong time.

You might be wondering why I never said anything to Andrew or showed how I felt but I like to keep things to myself and I also like to be alone. Things get complicated, if it is not Andrew then I pray to find the right person because that is all that matters. The partner that won't turn your family, your friends into your enemies. Ever since my brother married that bucket he called a wife,  he has been something else.

I went for the gossip and the things they talked about were so not helpful but what the goddess of information said to me was worth it.

I went to my room, I picked the police's note and what I saw was so surprising and interesting........

The next day, it was quite boring. Nafisat went home but even with her going home I was able to figure how the victims were picked. I didn't see  Andrew throughout the day, yes his girlfriend was in class. I also mopped the floor, my punishment.

I packed my books from the locker and headed for my hall, but someone dragged my bag, dragging me inside the Janitor's closet . The person covered my month so I would not scream but I had another plan...........

I bit the person, kicked him in the nuts. He fell on his knees, I held his neck.

"What are you doing?" He said groaning.

"Why did you attack me that way? I am sorry"

" Did you get anything?" Andrew asked

" Yes I did. "

"What did you get?"

" How the victims are chosen........." (Andrew struggles to sit)

"So how?" Andrew asked interrupting me.

" That was what I was about to say before you interrupted me." I replied aggressively.

" There's a secret society in the school called the founder group. It is a hereditary group, the members inherit the membership."

" I know what hereditary means"  Andrew said

" I thought as much.  So there is a prophecy that the founder group would destroy the school."

" Prophecy?" Andrew asked.

"Yes, prophecy. The group is divided into two, those who want it to happen and those who don't. Those who don't want it to happen are seen as traitors. Nathan died protecting the school he loved."

"Nathan never loved the school." Andrew scoffs

" It doesn't make any sense, the ones who think they are right would have killed all those who think they are traitors." Andrew asked as he opened the door for us to leave.

" They wear masks, when they plan and the plan fails, they send a letter to the person who terminated their plan and on a Wednesday they kill them." I explained, but this time we were still at the door no one had gone out yet.


"To them Wednesday is a holy day for the massacre. The fire outbreak was the first successful work it was on Wednesday, two weeks later, Nathan's death, on a Wednesday.  After two weeks on Wednesday, our Biology teacher. This is the second week after the Biology teacher's death, it was supposed to be Nafisat but she ran home. Today's Wednesday."  I explained as I combined what the goddess of information said, what has happened and what Nafisat said together.

"So they missed their shot today?" Andrew asked. "Our Biology teacher, is she part of the group?"

" I don't know about that but I am not sure because someone is out there carrying out their so-called Prophecy."

"Who?" guys I am so sorry for publishing this one late, I was working on a project. I hope you like this chapter, if you want to make any corrections please you can. Also I would be publishing this same book on Neobooks. Thank you very much for reading I so much appreciate it. Please drop a vote 🥺

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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