i. bye america, see you soon japan!

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"Isn't this exciting?! I'll get to see your hometown!" The soft shriek of excitement from the young woman brought a small smile from Kenji Sato's face as he watched her going through the magazines and brochures that the plane had provided for their passengers. "Look, look. They even have kimono, did I pronounce it right?" Ken couldn't help but let out a chuckle, kissing her palm as he held it closer to his lips "Hai."

Estella blushes bashfully before her eyes go back to the magazine, their hands still intertwined, and Kenji continues to look at her with such contentment. He never felt so lucky. Just as he and his mom had moved to America, he was new to the environment. The cities that he and his mom would often explore were never like Japan, it was more bursting with people and he often thought that they were weird.

Until he met Estella in his last year of middle school, Kenji had always focused solely on baseball. Unusually tall for his age, he was the captain of his team, known for his powerful pitches and strategic plays. That afternoon, he was leading his team through a series of drills, running laps and throwing balls back and forth with practiced ease.

As they practiced, one of his teammates swung the bat in the wrong direction. The ball flew off course, carried by the wind, heading straight for the nearby PE class. Estella, sitting on the grass, huffing tiredly with sweat glistening on her porcelain skin, noticed the ball too late. It was coming straight for her forehead.

Just as the ball was about to make contact, Kenji's glove appeared out of nowhere, catching the ball mid-air with a swift, practiced motion. Estella's baby blue eyes widened in shock, a soft gasp escaping her lips. The world around her seemed to blur, the sounds of panic and concern from her classmates fading into the background as she focused on Kenji.

"Hey, you alright?" Kenji's voice was soft, his concern evident. Estella's heart raced, her lips parted as she struggled to find her voice. "I-I..." she stammered, but before she could say more, her friends rushed to her side, their voices frantic and worried.

"Estella! Are you alright?"

"Hmp! Those baseball boys don't know how to control their swing!"

Kenji took a step back, allowing her friends to fuss over her, but his eyes never left hers. There was something in that moment, a connection that neither of them could quite explain. As the chaos around them continued, Estella couldn't help but glance back at him, her heart pounding in her chest.

From that day on, their paths seemed to cross more often. Kenji found himself looking for her in the crowd, his heart skipping a beat whenever he saw her smile. Estella, too, felt a strange pull towards him, her cheeks flushing whenever their eyes met. The tension between them blossomed slowly, each moment filled with unspoken words and lingering glances led them together as lovers.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the baseball field as the crowd buzzed with anticipation. The stadium was packed, every seat filled with eager students, fans, and somehow parents supporting, their voices merging into a constant hum of excitement. The air was thick with the scent of fresh-cut grass and the unmistakable tang of sweat and adrenaline. This was it—the final game of the season. Everything had led up to this moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the final inning of this nail-biting game, and it's all come down to Ken Sato. The Tigers' captain is ready to pitch with bases loaded and two outs. Can he turn the game around?" the first commentator, Bob, exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement.

"Ken has been exceptional this season, Bob. His pitches have been clocked at record speeds, and his control is phenomenal. But this... this is the moment that will define his career," replied the second commentator, Janet, her tone filled with anticipation.

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