ii. The incoming interviews

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"Ken, why are we on the docks?" Estella asked, her eyes following Kenji as he expressed his gratitude to the amiable neighbors who lived near the docks for their assistance in unloading their belongings from the moving van.

The docks were a bustling hub, a mix of weathered wood and modern infrastructure, where the scent of saltwater mingled with the aroma of freshly caught fish. Various boats and yachts were moored, bobbing gently on the water, their lines creaking with the movement. Fishermen hauled in their daily catch, and a few locals waved at Kenji, acknowledging his presence.

"'Cause baby, I don't live here in the city," he replied, walking over to her and softly lifting her chin to direct her gaze toward an island in the distance. "I live in a sanctuary on that island, mi casa."

Estella gave him a questioning look, and Kenji laughed. "Come on!" he said, gently pulling her toward one of the yachts docked nearby. The yacht was a sleek, modern marvel, its hull glistening under the sun. It was clearly expensive, equipped with state-of-the-art technology that hinted at luxury and advanced functionality. "Watch your step," he whispered, guiding her onto the yacht before jumping back onto the dock to grab their belongings.

Estella wandered through the yacht, marveling at its sophistication. The interior was a blend of modern design and comfort, with plush seating, advanced navigation controls, and panoramic windows offering a stunning view of the surrounding water. The gentle hum of the yacht's engines created a calming backdrop as she explored.

Suddenly, she heard a voice. "Hello, Estella." She jumped with a soft shriek, panic etching her face as she looked around for the source.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to scare you," the voice continued. Her eyes found a window screen on the yacht displaying a line that moved rhythmically with the sound. "H-Hi," she stammered, unsure who she was speaking to. The computer sensed her hesitation and extended a robotic arm, offering her a cup of coffee. "I am Mina, a digital assistant created by Ken's parents. A pleasure to meet you, Estella Clemming. Kenji has spoken highly of you."

Estella's eyes sparkled as she gently took the coffee from the robotic arm, shaking it slightly. "It's nice to meet you. I thought Mina was a person. Kenji is never specific about things, but it's a pleasure to meet you too!" she exclaimed, just as the yacht gently rocked from someone landing inside.

"Stella, babe, where are you?" Kenji's voice called from outside. Estella smiled. "I'm here in the lounge," she replied. She heard hurried footsteps and watched Kenji enter, beaming widely at the sight of Mina on the navigation control screens. "Hey Mina, I see you met my girlfriend."

The robotic hand next to Estella moved aside. "Ms. Estella is just as you described to me. She is bright like the sun." Estella blushed at the AI's compliment, but Mina wasn't done yet. "I wonder how you were able to pull someone like Ms. Estella."

Kenji grunted, "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" He pouted, but Mina didn't respond. Instead, the AI began controlling the yacht, gently sailing it away from the docks and navigating toward the island.

"I like her," Estella beamed, sipping her coffee. Kenji rolled his eyes at the AI's behavior, then smiled at Estella. "I bet you do," he murmured before kissing her lips, tasting the sweet coffee on her lips before pulling away.

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