vi. baby kaiju

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↻                𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑

The stadium buzzed with anticipation, every eye fixed on Kenji Sato as he strode purposefully towards the right field, radiating confidence with each step. His name echoed through the air like a chant of reverence, "SATO! SATO! SATO!" Cheers erupted, a cacophony of support that energized the field.

Estella, watching from the stands, couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, her heart swelling with pride. Kenji acknowledged the crowd with a wave, his demeanor a blend of determination and humility. As the lead hitter of the team, he carried the weight of expectations, his every move scrutinized under the stadium lights.

But amidst the cheers, a taunting voice cut through. The Swingers' catcher, seizing the moment of Kenji's discomfort, teased him about his shoulder. "Oh~ Kenny," he jeered, mocking sympathy dripping from his words, "It's a shame about that shoulder. Ooh! Just breaks my heart."

Kenji's brow furrowed in annoyance, his focus narrowing on the pitcher ahead. The first pitch came with speed and precision, catching Kenji off-guard. The umpire's voice boomed, "Strike one!" A collective groan from the crowd mirrored Kenji's frustration.

"Seriously?" Kenji muttered through clenched teeth, battling the surge of anger. The catcher's relentless taunts only fueled his resolve. "I guess 'legends' are human too," he heard the catcher's muttered to himself, yet he grounded himself, keeping his anger at a low level, trying to imagine Estella's presence calming in his mind.

He reset, gripping the bat tighter as the pitcher prepared for the next throw. With a focused breath, Kenji swung with all his might. Yet, the ball eluded his bat, the catcher's glove snapping shut with a resounding thud. "Strike two!" echoed the umpire's call.

Kenji winced, his shoulder protesting the strain. Estella's concerned gaze didn't go unnoticed; he gave her a reassuring smile, though his frustration simmered beneath the surface. The Swingers' catcher pushed too far with his next jab, igniting the spark that threatened to engulf Kenji's restraint.

"If only there was a Japanese version of this guy," the catcher remarked audibly, a comment that sliced through Kenji's patience like a blade. Anger flared in his eyes as he turned to face his antagonist. Gripping the bat with white-knuckled intensity, he shot back with raw emotion, "The Japanese version's about to make you eat this bat!"

The tension escalated instantly. The catcher rose from his crouch, meeting Kenji's challenge head-on. The umpire swiftly intervened, sensing the volatile atmosphere on the field. "Hey, all right, fellas. Come on now. Break it up. Break it up!" His voice rang out with authority as he positioned himself between the two, attempting to diffuse the escalating confrontation.

Kenji reluctantly stepped back, his fists clenched at his sides, while the catcher stood his ground, eyes locked defiantly with Kenji's. The crowd's murmurs filled the air, a mix of disappointment and anticipation tinged with the raw emotions of the moment.

In that charged pause, Kenji's gaze shifted back to Estella who was just behind, her worried expression a reminder of his promise. No anger, no violence—he had vowed to keep this game clean for her sake. With a deep breath, he let go of the tension, refocusing on the game ahead.

The umpire's words resonated in the tense silence. "Let's play ball," he declared firmly, restoring order to the field. The stadium held its collective breath as Kenji Sato, now batting right-handed, took his stance at the plate. The decision to switch sides mid-at-bat drew bewildered expressions from commentators and murmurs of confusion from the crowd. Estella, watching anxiously from the stands, clasped her hands together, her heart pounding with anticipation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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